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Smart Cookies: Sweet Mother-Daughter Celebration

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Proud moms and appreciative daughters (from left): Catherine Gentry, Allison Gentry, Hannah Snow and Evelyn Snow.

Memorial-area moms and their “smart cookie” daughters gathered at the home of Catherine Gentry and her Memorial High School daughter, Allison, to celebrate dozens of Class of 2018 ladies and their moms.

The spread of sweet treats included a variety of homemade cookies baked by hostesses Catherine and Allison, including dinosaur-iced sugar cookies in honor of Allison’s dino-mite volunteer job at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

Kenna Carson, Allison Gentry, Julia Reidel

Memorial Mustangs Class of 2018 graduates (from left) Kenna Carson, Allison Gentry and Julia Reidel enjoying cookies and spending time together.


“Baking for the party was good for me - a tangible way to deal with the stress of graduation,” Catherine shared. “I bake under pressure, including baking lots and lots of chocolate chip cookies back when I was pregnant with Allison.” 

Catherine loves the loads of parties this time of year and thought it would be a nice twist to a host an event that included the moms who supported each other in raising this group of girls the past 18 years.

The almost-graduates enjoyed the chance to catch up outside of school and relax together before they head off to their different colleges in the fall. The moms enjoyed learning about the girls’ plans and catching up with the other moms.

Catherine Gentry, Donna Legro, Allison Gentry

Three generations celebrate Allison's exciting new chapter: (from left) Catherine Gentry, Donna Legro and Allison Gentry.

Catherine and fellow mom, Evelyn Snow, chuckle as they remember becoming friends years ago after their daughters, Allison and Hannah “set them up.” The girls both thought their moms could use a “mom friend” and that their moms would make a good pair. It ends up the girls were great matchmakers. Catherine and Evelyn are thankful to have each other to lean on in the upcoming months. They know it will be a big transition having the girls head off to college in the fall and that it will be helpful to have a supportive friend because sometimes even tough cookie moms need a friend to help them not crumble.

Katie Muschalik, Alllison Gentry, Sarah Cowan, Sara Burpeau

Katie Muschalik, Alllison Gentry, Sarah Cowan and Sara Burpeau are all smiles taking time to be with friends.


Soon-to-be-college-freshmen party guests who enjoyed delectable delights included: MHS grad Sarah Cowan (University of Texas at Austin Business Honors, Plan II); MHS grad Nicole Wright (Vanderbilt University); MHS grad Katie Muschalik (University of Southern California, Film); MHS grad Madeline Muschalik (Wake Forest University); Awty grad Eleanor Grovesnor (University of Maryland); MHS grad Kenna Carson (University of Arkansas); MHS grad Julia Reidel (Samford University); MHS grad Katherine Coe (Baylor University); Kinkaid grad Sara Burpeau (Duke University); MHS grad Grace Minneo (University of Texas at Austin); MHS grad Amanda Wright (Texas A&M University); MHS grad Mariam Haider (University of Houston); MHS grad Lola Budamir (Texas Christian University); MHS grad Andi Minter (University of Texas at Austin); MHS grad Meg Espey (University of Texas at Austin); MHS grad Jeanette Chiu (University of California, Santa Barbara); MHS grad Hannah Snow (American University of Paris, then University of Southern California); MHS grad Allison Gentry (University of Chicago).

Find out where more local 2018 grads are heading to college (and contribute to, if you’re a senior) – see our annual database of college-bound Buzz seniors

  • Dinosaur cookies

    Dino cookies in honor of Allison Gentry's volunteer work at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. 

  • Desserts

    Sweet treats included Creamy Lemon Bars, Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies, and Memorial High School decorated cookies. 


  • Dinosaur cookies
  • Desserts

Dinosaur cookies

Dino cookies in honor of Allison Gentry's volunteer work at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. 


Sweet treats included Creamy Lemon Bars, Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies, and Memorial High School decorated cookies. 


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