Private School Directory

Off to Argentina

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Medeiros party

Medeiros going away party

Friends gathered at the home of Dana and Julian Cran to say goodbye to the Medeiros family. Omar, Jennifer, Tiago and Poppy Medeiros are moving to Argentina. Guests watched a compilation of videos from their friends, created by the Crans. The kids darted around the yard, playing with water guns and having summer fun. Pictured are Duncan Cannon, Lucas Garibaldi, Tiago Medeiros, Charlie Pasternak, Jack Staller, Elijah Cross, Grayson Cross, Anderson Cran, James Cross, Lila Habiby, Caroline Cannon, Sam Habiby, Sydney Pasternak, Christopher Sedaris, Ari Staller, Andrew Sedaris, William Saindon, Zachary Hill, Ella Sedaris, Ellie Hill, Poppy Medeiros, Sophia Garibaldi and Sydney Cran.

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