Within a school of only 85 students, there becomes a closeness unmatched at any other institution in Houston, the country and the world. The school I am describing: The Post Oak School’s high school campus; filled with such a small number of students yet also filled with an immeasurable number of interests that range from photography and film to rock climbing to chess, poker and tabletop RPG gaming. The enthusiasm that clubs bring to students is immeasurable; just look at the frenzy that each club provides at our beginning-of-year club fair, the outpouring of competition between them to get more students to sign-up for their club than any other.
For many at Post Oak, these clubs are a way to socialize and connect with friends in a structured environment taking place weekly. And there is an advantage to all this gathering: clubs allow us to share our interests and create greater bonds with one another that can provide useful advantages with in-class collaboration during normal school hours, something which is inevitable in a community of this size.
Likely the most important aspect of any school club is the leadership it gives students; instead of sitting and taking notes on the quadratic formula or The War of 1812, the students themselves are the ones in charge, creating engaging meetings that keep their peers excited and ready for the next meeting time. One doesn’t need to look long for an example of this, either. Every week, Jadyn Cleary, a junior and head of the Photography Club, regularly excites and invigorates club members with new photography techniques, discussions, and endeavors. And Julian Porra-Parks, a senior and head of the school’s Dungeons & Dragons club, is always willing to thrust his players into grand adventures of danger, peril, and often unhinged silliness.
The ultimate draw from this is that Post Oak is no ordinary place for student interests. Rather, it is a fertile land where new ideas are constantly being created; where students enjoy being at their place of study for a couple more hours on a weekday; where students feel that they can express themselves. Simply put, Post Oak is a place where passion flows.