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Buzzing about Books

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Bellaire library Mary Cohrs - along iwth other librarians from across the state - is at the Texas Library Association’s conference this week in Austin. Librarians attend programs, network, visit the exhibit hall and always come back refreshed and excited about new books and ideas. 

This week’s Book Buzz from Bellaire was difficult for me to narrow to a specific book or topic. Last week was National Library Week, this week is Easter and Passover, spring has recently sprung and all of the new summer titles are being teased in every review journal that crosses my desk. So many choices.

So, while this book blog may not promote a specific book title or topic, it will tell where all of your librarians are this week. You see, this week is the annual meeting of librarians across the state at the Texas Library Association’s conference. Public librarians, school librarians, medical and law librarians, university librarians as well a library supporters and board members have gathered in Austin to attend programs, network and visit the exhibit hall where more than 450 exhibitors, authors and illustrators are ready to talk books and library needs.

And do we talk about books. Long lines form in the author autograph area, publisher representatives are cornered in their booth from librarians wanting to know more about the date of the release of a favorite author. It is also our chance to tell publishers what you, our library users, are enjoying and what topics you are requesting. This is a chance for librarians to hone their reader’s advisory skills – the “what can I read next” question. 

While our arms ache from carrying books and our feet are most unhappy from all the walking, we look forward to the experience every year. I have been known to return to the library with a “look what I got” excitement over a book that we needed.

So, in honor of librarians, library workers, library supporters who enjoy finding you the perfect book, answering the challenging reference question, leading book clubs, telling stories at story time, encouraging teens to read, helping senior adults learn computer skills, and more – I thank you for being there for all of the readers and users of libraries.

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