Editor's Note - April 2020

Welcome to spring 2020. Bad timing for this germaphobe to receive a DMV “must apply in person” renewal notice. As headlines about coronavirus started getting scarier, the germaphobe – and the news junkie – in me became obsessed. I do not need a reminder to wash my hands for 20 seconds. I never share drinks – even with family members. I reprimand double dippers. Still, I couldn’t stop reading about it, asking advice of friends in the medical profession and perfecting how to Clorox wipe my phone while scrolling for live updates. After stocking up on supplies and preparing as best as we could, I had to take a mental break. This issue of The Buzz was my antidote. Perfect timing for our residents to share their creative, colorful, tender and funny stories. It was a wonderful distraction for me. I hope it is for you too. Wishing you all a happy, healthy season. [email protected]
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