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Day of service

Angie Frederickson
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Cameron Watkins

Cameron Watkins

Although River Oaks Baptist School (ROBS) students could not gather in person for their traditional all-school day of service on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, they still managed to serve others from their homes. Kindergartener Cameron Watkins (pictured) assembled toiletry bags for Star of Hope and the Christian Community Service Center (CCSC), as part of #ADayOnNotADayOff. Parent volunteers delivered supplies to ROBS families, teachers, and staff to create packages of daily necessities for neighbors served by local nonprofits. Participants also made lunch sacks for Meals on Wheels, treat bags for pets of the homebound through Animeals, and care packages for first responders across the city. By the end of the day, the ROBS community helped more than 3,000 neighbors and 700 furry friends. 

Editor’s note: The Buzz congratulates our regular Buzz About Town writer, associate editor Jordan Steinfeld, and her husband Matthew on the recent arrival of baby Sloane. Jordan is taking a short break to spend time with Sloane. In the meantime, Buzz writer Angie Frederickson is handling this column. As usual, please send your high-res photos and community news to [email protected]. Items are published on a space-available basis.

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