Private School Directory

Happy 90th birthday, Ed Schneider

Angie Frederickson
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Kellie Schneider and Ed Schneider

Kellie Schneider and Ed Schneider

Ed Schneider (pictured, on right) celebrated his 90th birthday with family, including daughter-in-law Kellie Schneider (pictured, on left) who shares the same birthday. The newly minted nonagenarian enjoyed dinner in a private room at Costa Brava Bistro with his wife Linda, son Eric, Kellie, and granddaughter Romy. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Ed served in the Marine Corps Reserves with his brother, Bill, as a 17-year-old high school junior, before being called into active service during the Korean War. When President Truman released the reserves, Ed returned home to finish his senior year of high school and was welcomed back to St. Francis de Sales High School by the nun who casually asked, “Edward, where have you been?” He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1956 and began his career with Gulf Oil, which took him to Venezuela for 22 years where he met Linda, whose father worked for the same company. Their next stop was Houston where Ed wrapped up his professional life and now enjoys retirement. 

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