Mailbag - May 2024

KEEPING SCORE Grandmother-of-four Jo Anne Baskin (pictured), attends all of her grandchildren's baseball games, keeping score by hand in her baseball scorebooks. Pictured are her grandchildren: (front) Jake Baskin, 17, who plays right field and catcher; (back row, from left) Peyton, 13, who plays pitcher, third base and first base; Wyatt, 15, who plays short stop, pitcher, and third base; and Taylor, 11, who plays catcher, pitcher, and first base. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar)
Playing for keeps
Annie, I just wanted to give you a very heartfelt thank you for the amazing article [Scored with Love by Annie Blaylock McQueen, Apr. 2024] you wrote about my family. You took so much care and time to research the story and you certainly have a way with words. It was written with such love. You will never know what this meant to me. I’ve always been known as Coy’s wife and CL’s and Chrissy’s mom. All of which has brought me such joy and pride. Your article made me feel like I’ve had a part in their baseball. Thank you again for your precious story.
Jo Anne Baskin
A “yes” of epic proportions
Eclipsed! A Love Story is EPIC! Full of heart, sass, patience, and acts of God. This act of God is not the eclipse, but Ellen Hart saying “yes” to marriage!
David Haynes
Fan of Karen’s articles
We just wanted to let you know how much we enjoy the articles for The Buzz Magazines written by Karen Vine Fuller. We especially enjoyed the recent article in the March 2024 issue, Works of Rodeo Art. She showcased so many talented young Houston artists and their prize-winning work. We know a couple of the artists, so it was a real pleasure to see them highlighted. Thanks for continuing to publish Karen’s interesting articles and we look forward to many more.
Richard and Laura Elwood
In praise of positivity
This article [Heart to Heart: Perhaps love is just waiting to be noticed by Cindy Gabriel, Feb. 2024] encourages me to look at things differently; to seek more of the positive in people and the world; and shut out more of the negative.
Debi Watts Perkins
Heartening message
Wow ... [in response to: Heart to Heart: Perhaps love is just waiting to be noticed by Cindy Gabriel, Feb. 2024]. You always seem to know what we need to hear. Thanks.
Rita Rucksdashel Cohen
Holocaust survivor's story inspires a connection
Dear Tracy [Barnett], I read with much interest A Holocaust Survivor's Story Lives On [Jan. 2024]. Do Joe Keselman and his family live in Houston? If so, I would like to meet him and his family. I am Professor George J. Hirasaki, an emeritus faculty at Rice University and a resident of Bellaire. I also am a member of the Holocaust Museum. I am a former president of the Japanese American Citizens League of Houston. We participated with the Holocaust Museum in the recognition of Yukiko Sugihara’s contribution saving the lives of Jewish people in Lithuania in 1940. Also, I saw that Joe Keselman’s wife is Japanese. My grandfather immigrated from Japan in 1907 and settled in Texas. It would be a pleasure to meet the Keselman family.
George Jiro Hirasaki
Dear Prof. Hirasaki,
[My wife Kayoko and I] thank you for your interest in my father's story of survival during WW2. We will be happy to make your acquaintance and talk about mutual interests and stories.
Jozef Keselman
Dear Jozef,
I was very moved by reading about your family history. My wife [Darlene] and I are members of the Holocaust Museum Houston and we attended the opening of the Holocaust Garden of Hope. Also, this summer we visited our relatives in Japan. It appears that we may be neighbors. We must arrange to visit some time soon. I would like to show you and Kayoko our Japanese-style home while the azaleas are in bloom. We will arrange something.
George Jiro Hirasaki
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