Photo Contest

Cindy Gabriel

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Photos appearing in

  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz

    PARIS SEINE-ITY In Montmartre, Cindy and Stan-the-Man imbibe in some perspective from the highest point in Paris. 

    From: 70 is Not the New 50
  • Cindy Gabriel

    BEFORE SHE KNEW Telluride, August 2023: Cindy Gabriel, unaware that she had hyperparathyroidism, plops on the side of a hiking trail to gaze at the sky and wait for her family to return. Now she knows she wasn’t just being lazy.   

    From: Life After Surgery
  • Eli Weber, Cindy Gabriel, Faires Weber

    SOFA TIME Grandsons Eli and Faires Weber help pass the time as Cindy Gabriel counts the days until surgery. (Photo: Julia Weber)

    From: A Diagnosis
  • Cindy Gabriel

    LIKE, ‘TOTALITY’ OKAY Catching eclipse glimpses between the clouds mesmerizes Cindy Gabriel on her back deck in Hunt, Texas. (Photo: Ellen Hart)

    From: The Cone of Uncertainty
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Amy Dolittle, Cindy Burnett, Cindy Gabriel

    "Stan-the-man" Ehrenkranz, Amy Dolittle, writer Cindy Burnett, writer Cindy Gabriel. (Photo: Dee Zunker Photography)

    From: 'Tis the Season: A Buzzworthy 2023
  • Buzz team at holiday party

    The Buzz team, from left: Jo Rogers, Leslie Little, Pooja Salhotra, Michelle Casas Groogan, John Duboise, Dai Huynh, Todd Freed, Caroline Siegfried, James Arturo, Joni Hoffman, Michael Hoffman, Mike Hart, Andy Blitzer, Cindy Burnett, Sharon Albert Brier, Karen Vine Fuller, Cindy Gabriel, Cheryl Ursin, Angie Frederickson, Nikky LaWell. Not pictured: Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld, Annie McQueen, Russell Weil, Cathy Gordon, Jennifer Oakley, Andria Dilling, Tracy L. Barnett. (Photo: Dee Zunker Photography)

    From: 'Tis the Season: A Buzzworthy 2023
  • Sharon Trojan Hollinger and Cindy Gabriel

    FIRST BEST FRIENDS Sharon Trojan Hollinger and Cindy Gabriel still cherish their shared adolescence. As Dolly Parton sings, “You can’t make old friends.”  

    From: The It Factor
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Cindy Gabriel

    FINDING PERSPECTIVE Cindy Gabriel and husband Stan Ehrenkranz see the world as if life is rigged in their favor

    From: The Highs and Lows of Life
  • Jason Bradley, Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz, and Cindy Bradley

    LIFE COMING FULL CIRCLE Jason Bradley, Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz, and Cindy Bradley enjoy a moment on the Bradley’s back porch in Durango, Colorado.

    From: New Couple Friends
  • Cindy Gabriel, Buddy Wright

    BEING RAISED WRIGHT Cindy (Wright) Gabriel at about 8 years old, along with 2-year-old Clymer Lewis Wright III, aka Buddy. Cindy still had a couple of years to go as a full-fledged Daddy’s Girl.  

    From: It’s Too Hot to Write
  • Cindy Gabriel

    A RELIC This monument is to honor members of the Jaybird Party who died for the “cause” of restoring an all-white government to Fort Bend County. It stood in downtown Richmond from 1896 until 2021 when it was quietly moved to Hodges Bend Cemetery in Sugar Land, Texas, on land originally deeded by pioneer Stephen F. Austin. (Photo: Melissa Noble)

    From: The Jaybird/Woodpecker War
  • Brent Parker, Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz,

    Brent Parker, Cindy Gabriel and Stan Ehrenkranz. (Photo: Emily Jaschke)

    From: Pop-Up Party Showcasing Winners of the 2023 Buzz Photo Contest
  • Aimee Ehrenkranz McCrory and Cindy Gabriel

    FAMILY TIES Sisters-in-law Aimee Ehrenkranz McCrory and Cindy Gabriel just before Stan-the-Man walked daughter Jenny down the aisle in the latest Ehrenkranz wedding. The photo was taken by brother-in-law Bob Westendarp (Heather’s husband).

    From: UnBridaled Gratitude
  • Faires Weber, Cindy Gabriel

    NOT EXACTLY POKER FACE Two-year-old Faires (pronounced Ferris) Weber spots another Crazy Eight in Grandma's hand as they play against four-year-old Eli on a Saturday at Grandma’s country house in Hunt, Texas. (Photo: Julia Weber)

    From: Small Thoughts
  • Sharon Brier, Cindy Gabriel,

    Sharon Brier, who contributes our popular Rumor Has It gossip column, and Buzz staff writer Cindy Gabriel. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar)

    From: Twenty-One Years Later: A Buzzworthy Celebration 
  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz, Don Mason, Claudia Feldman, Scott Bowers, Dai Huynh, Sharon Brier, Mike Brier

    Front row: Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz, Don Mason; back row: Claudia Feldman, Scott Bowers, Dai Huynh, Sharon Brier, Mike Brier. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar)

    From: Twenty-One Years Later: A Buzzworthy Celebration 
  • Team photo

    Pictured at our 2022 holiday party, held at Evelyn’s Park: (front row, from left) writer Dai Huynh, account manager Andy Blitzer, editor Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld, editor-in-chief Joni Hoffman, publisher Michael Hoffman, writer Sharon Brier, writer Jennifer Oakley, writer Cindy Gabriel, writer Karen Vine Fuller; (second row, from left): writer Michelle Groogan, writer Claudia Feldman, writer Cheryl Ursin, design manager John Duboise, writer Russell Weil, editorial assistant Caroline Siegfried, account manager Jo Vogel, writer Angie Frederickson, accounting and contract administrator Leslie Little, writer Cathy Gordon, writer Annie McQueen; (back row, from left) writer Todd Freed, writer Don Mason, photographer Michael Hart, illustrator James Arturo, photographer Nikky LaWell, and writer Pooja Salhotra. Not pictured: Writers Tracy Barnett, Cindy Burnett, Andria Frankfort Dilling, Cheryl Laird, and photographer Dylan Aguilar (behind the camera). 

    From: Twenty-One Years Later: A Buzzworthy Celebration 
  • Cindy Gabriel

    PONDERING OR PROCRASTINATING? Cindy Gabriel tries to trick herself into starting a memoir. 

    From: Life: Mine for Instance
  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz

    GETTING I DO OFF THE TO DO LIST Cindy finally nabs Stan-the-Man.

    From: Eureka Moment
  • Cindy Gabriel, Eli Weber

    AWE! Feeling awe can actually improve your health. Cindy Gabriel tests this theory with her grandson, Eli Weber. (Photo: Julia Gabriel Studio)

    From: Listen to the Birds
  • Cindy Gabriel

    THE GREATEST OF THESE Cindy Gabriel ponders love as some of it blankets Hunt, Texas, in the form of snow. (Photo: Stan Ehrenkranz)

    From: Just Love
  • Cindy Gabriel

    IN TRAINING Little Cindy Wright sits at her first typewriter, which looks a whole lot like one she would use 20 years later while working for Jack Cato.

    From: Get Me Rewrite
  • Cindy Gabriel

    BEFORE KATE WORE IT The sweater – and Cindy Gabriel – next to the Max Scherzer jersey at Little Matt’s in West University, where the Washington Nationals partied after winning the World Series. (Photo: Julia Weber)

    From: Ode to an Astros Sweater
  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz

    HER FIRST CRUISE Stan and Cindy get a “great deal” on this Royal Caribbean picture package.

    From: Cruising to Retirementville
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Arden Evans, Cindy Gabriel, Eli Weber

    HIS AND HER GRANDKIDS Stan Ehrenkranz, with “his” Arden Evans, and Cindy Gabriel, with “her” Eli Weber, share some togetherness. (Photo: Morgan Weber)

    From: Stan-the-Grand
  • Cindy Gabriel

    A GOOD FEELING The Tom Hanks movie made Cindy Gabriel think of another reporter who fell under Mr. Rogers’ spell. (Photo: Julia Gabriel)

    From: It’s You I Like
  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz

    I’M THE MAN Cindy Gabriel wonders if she’s created a monster. (Photo: Aimee McCrory)

    From: Stan Fans
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Cindy Gabriel

    ONLINE-DATING WIN Writer Cindy Gabriel with Stan-the-Man Ehrenkranz in San Miguel de Allende.

    From: Crickets
  • Cindy Gabriel

    ALL THE SIDES Cindy Gabriel looks at the upsides to the downsides of life. (Photo: Aimee McCrory)

    From: Good Grief
  • Cindy Gabriel

    UH OH Cindy Gabriel serves time for disorganization. (Photo: Aimee McCrory)

    From: Trapped
  • Cindy Gabriel

    ALL IS CALM Writer Cindy Gabriel contemplates the days after Christmas from her “maintenance-deprived house” in Hunt, Texas.

    From: A Sacred Silence
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Cindy Gabriel

    LIVING LARGE Cindy Gabriel shares a sunny day in Laguna Beach, Calif., with Stan “the Man” Ehrenkranz.

    From: When I'm 64
  • Cindy Gabriel

    Staff writer Cindy Gabriel celebrates the Big 5-0

    From: 50 is the New 30