Photo Contest

Stan Ehrenkranz

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Article Mentions

Photos appearing in

  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz

    PARIS SEINE-ITY In Montmartre, Cindy and Stan-the-Man imbibe in some perspective from the highest point in Paris. 

    From: 70 is Not the New 50
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Amy Dolittle, Cindy Burnett, Cindy Gabriel

    "Stan-the-man" Ehrenkranz, Amy Dolittle, writer Cindy Burnett, writer Cindy Gabriel. (Photo: Dee Zunker Photography)

    From: 'Tis the Season: A Buzzworthy 2023
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Cindy Gabriel

    FINDING PERSPECTIVE Cindy Gabriel and husband Stan Ehrenkranz see the world as if life is rigged in their favor

    From: The Highs and Lows of Life
  • Jason Bradley, Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz, and Cindy Bradley

    LIFE COMING FULL CIRCLE Jason Bradley, Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz, and Cindy Bradley enjoy a moment on the Bradley’s back porch in Durango, Colorado.

    From: New Couple Friends
  • Brent Parker, Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz,

    Brent Parker, Cindy Gabriel and Stan Ehrenkranz. (Photo: Emily Jaschke)

    From: Pop-Up Party Showcasing Winners of the 2023 Buzz Photo Contest
  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz, Don Mason, Claudia Feldman, Scott Bowers, Dai Huynh, Sharon Brier, Mike Brier

    Front row: Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz, Don Mason; back row: Claudia Feldman, Scott Bowers, Dai Huynh, Sharon Brier, Mike Brier. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar)

    From: Twenty-One Years Later: A Buzzworthy Celebration 
  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz

    GETTING I DO OFF THE TO DO LIST Cindy finally nabs Stan-the-Man.

    From: Eureka Moment
  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz

    HER FIRST CRUISE Stan and Cindy get a “great deal” on this Royal Caribbean picture package.

    From: Cruising to Retirementville
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Arden Evans, Cindy Gabriel, Eli Weber

    HIS AND HER GRANDKIDS Stan Ehrenkranz, with “his” Arden Evans, and Cindy Gabriel, with “her” Eli Weber, share some togetherness. (Photo: Morgan Weber)

    From: Stan-the-Grand
  • Cindy Gabriel, Stan Ehrenkranz

    I’M THE MAN Cindy Gabriel wonders if she’s created a monster. (Photo: Aimee McCrory)

    From: Stan Fans
  • Stan Ehrenkranz

    CINDY'S ONLINE FIND Stan-the-Fan Ehrenkranz has never met a baby he didn't like. Here he is with his granddaughter Arden Evans.

    From: Ghosting Stan
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Cindy Gabriel

    ONLINE-DATING WIN Writer Cindy Gabriel with Stan-the-Man Ehrenkranz in San Miguel de Allende.

    From: Crickets
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Cindy Gabriel

    LIVING LARGE Cindy Gabriel shares a sunny day in Laguna Beach, Calif., with Stan “the Man” Ehrenkranz.

    From: When I'm 64
  • Stan Ehrenkranz, Arden Evans

    Stan Ehrenkranz and Arden Evans

    From: Grandpa’s got it handled