Cathy Gordon

Cathy caught the writing bug as a student reporter for Cypress-Fairbanks High School’s newspaper and then pursued a journalism degree at Texas A&M University. She graduated August 1980 with a class of seven, writing-smitten Aggies, including singer-songwriter Lyle Lovett. “I took notes for him in journalism law class while he wrote lyrics to songs,” she quips. “Still waiting for the song about me.” She reported for The Conroe Courier fresh out of college, cutting her teeth on international news stories, such as David, the Bubble Boy and the first space shuttle missions. She then moved on to the Houston Chronicle, covering all facets of news in Montgomery County. She has enjoyed a prolific freelance career for the past 20 years, writing for The Greater Houston Partnership and a variety of magazines, including Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion, Country Living, Luxe, Texas Home & Living, Coastal Living and a host of other local, regional and national publications. She lives in The Woodlands with her husband, Scott, and two cats and has a grown son, Colin, who works in Austin. She volunteers at the local animal shelter when time allows.