The Houston Genealogical Forum Presents: Completing Your Family History
As we all know, family stories are more than censuses and vital records. To develop a complete family narrative, you need context and details. Cari Taplin will present on how to create a locality guide to discover new and unusual sources and provide tips using digital books to find hidden resources. Her final presentation of the day will share her writing approach, “A Family History Piecework”, which uses all your assorted information to piece together a larger body of work. Cari Taplin holds the Certified Genealogist credential® and currently serves on the board of the Association for Professional Genealogical Societies. Find out more about Cari here.
To register and order a box lunch ($12), go to, click on Coming Events and Spring Registration. Lunch orders must be made by Jan. 27.
The presentation takes place from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. with munchies and mingling beginning at 9 a.m.
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