2024 Buzz Photo Contest

Quietus Chernobyl exhibition and lecture



The Chernobyl disaster on April 26, 1986 was a humanitarian and technological crisis on a massive scale. Millions of people were affected, and it is attributed to be one of the primary catalysts for “glasnost” within the Soviet Union. In 2004 Vladimir Frumin visited the town of Pripyat near the Chernobyl power plant as well as other areas within the exclusion zone to photograph the sights within. Within this dilapidated town he photographed many fascinating scenes including several school areas, a hospital, and the infamous Pripyat Fairground. These thought-provoking photographs were masterfully captured, and produced using film rather than a digital device, to provide us with insight into a world where humans have not lived in decades; a place where our species influence has waned almost to a point of nonexistence as nature slowly reclaims the town, bit by bit.

Vladimir Frumin has in the past been awarded the “Carol Crow Memorial Fellowship Award” - his works are also presented on National Geographic sites, Hasselblad, and others besides. Some of his more recently developed film came out anomalous, with strange defects upon the photographs.

The Russian Cultural Center is proud to present a lecture night in which we will have four separate speakers presenting different perspectives on the Chernobyl Incident. First, Dr. Ed Hungerford, a professor at the department of physics at UH, will present how the event would have taken place from a physicist’s point of view by explaining some of the scientific data and theories behind it. Dr. Robert Emery, the Vice President of Environmental Health and Safety at UT, will present the medical aftermath and effects that this event had on various peoples both locally and around the world. Dr. Komaki, a Professor of Radiation Oncology at Baylor College of Medicine, is an expert on Hiroshima and the effects of radiation and the effects of nuclear fallout on the human body. Photographer Vladimir Frumin will present his experiences while he was in the exclusion zone at Chernobyl.

These esteemed speakers will offer us their thoughts and perspectives on the incident on July 23 at the Russian Cultural Center, 7:30 p.m. Wine will be served as this intellectual night begins. The exhibition will take place July 12-Aug. 23.

The Russian Cultural Center is proud to present a glimpse into a land that time seems to have forgotten, a place which will remain empty and silent for years to come. Come join us in viewing these windows into the past, in the post-apocalyptic world of Chernobyl.

Event type: 
Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 7:30 pm
Phone number: 
Russian Cultural Center "Our Texas"
2337 Bissonnet St.
Houston, TX 77005

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