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Fringed footery

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Beth Benson, Paula Lowe and Lisa Bunch

Shoeaholics flock to the kickoff of Heart of Fashion at Tootsies. (From left) Beth Benson, Paula Lowe and Lisa Bunch.

A kick off for the first annual Heart of Fashion was held at Tootsies with stand-out event founder Vivian Wise. Among 300 style setters were Mickey Rosemarin, Dominique Sachse and Nick Florescu, Helen Perry, Beth Benson, Beth Muecke, Paige Reichle, Matt Vandever, Leila Tsaroums, Lisa Bunch, Heidi Rockecharlie, Maya Fasthoff, Christine Tabrizi, Geovanna White, Kimberly Duffy, Victoria Caldwell, Beth Benson, Paula Lowe and Charles Ward. Vodka-infused pink drinks served by Deep Eddy and light bites by Eddie V’s were popular donated treats.

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