Private School Directory

Focusing on teamwork

Angie Frederickson
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Post Oak Little League Naturals

Post Oak Little League Naturals

The Post Oak Little League (POLL) Naturals (pictured) celebrate after a recent game. In the spring 2016 season, the boys made the jump from machine pitch to kid pitch, with the help of their coaching staff. Coach Scott Irwin teaches the boys that teamwork is the basis for success. “Championships are won in pivotal moments in every practice and every game when a young man chooses team unity over personal recognition,” he said. The Naturals coaches take extra steps to help the boys bond as a team. After each game the boys sit in a circle and compliment each other on everything from making a great play to being baseball ready. The 2016 Naturals are (front row, from left) Will Herrin, Charlie Henry, Bud Irwin, Fletcher Dowell, Ben Kalife, Jesse Gonzalez, David Doughtie, Thomas Britton, Max Matti, Andrew Stover, Aston Clarke, Giles Pond and (back row, from left) coaches Rick Magee, Scott Irwin and George Britton.

Editor’s note: Send your best high-resolution photos and behind-the-scenes stories about young local athletes, in both team and individual sports, to SportzBuzz, Jr. at [email protected]. Include all contact info, names, ages, grades and schools. Featured athletes must live in Buzz-circulation neighborhoods. Items will be published on a space-available basis.

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