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Out of this world

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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Loren Acton

Dr. Loren Acton surrounded by St. Anne students

St. Anne Catholic School welcomed an “out of this world” visitor. As part of Community Day, a key element of the Association of Space Explorers’ XXXII Planetary Congress, astronaut Dr. Loren Acton (pictured, surrounded by St. Anne students) shared his space-exploration experiences. Acton, former senior staff scientist, was tapped to fly on the 19th NASA Space Shuttle mission as a payload specialist in charge of Spacelab 2’s Solar Optical Universal Polarimeter experiment. He logged over 3.2 million miles, 127 earth orbits, and nearly 8 days in space. “I grew up on a farm in Montana and ended up exploring space. I studied science because I liked it. Look where it took me!” Acton answered questions about returning to the moon and traveling to Mars.

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