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Spreading Cheer Through Song: Quarantine Flash Mob

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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Flash mob

Parker Elementary students and parents participated in a “quarantine flash mob” to play music for neighbors while practicing social distancing. Pictured are Chrissy Stewart, Sierra (age 10) and August Pichot (age 6) performing in their yard. (Photo: Travis Pichot) 

As many schools and offices have gone virtual and we are all trying to practice social distancing, many have come up with creative ways to stay connected with each other (and stay sane). For example, the Internet has been captivated by videos of Italians singing together on their balconies.  

Closer to home, Parker Elementary music teacher, Lisa Vosdoganes, has helped her daughters Sarah and Emily Wheeler keep in touch with their friends through FaceTime sessions. Watching Sarah and Emily “playing” with their friend Lila Parzen through FaceTime sparked an idea. 

Lisa posted on a Parker Facebook group asking parents if the kids would be interested in participating in a “flash mob” in their front yards in the Westbury neighborhood, which would give the kids a sense of that camaraderie they’re all craving and create joy for neighbors. The response was a resounding yes.

Debbie Blumberg, Sadie Adler,

Pictured is Buzz writer Debbie Blumberg and daughter Sadie Adler playing their violins as part of the flash mob. (Photo: Jonathan Adler)

On Tuesday morning, Parker students came out in their yards with their musical instruments, such as violins and cellos, and played music, beginning with Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in D major together. They created a mini orchestra. Together. Standing or sitting at least six feet apart. 

Neighboring families came outside to watch and applaud. Participating kids – and some parent musicians - included Lila and Georgia Parzen, Vincent and Eliska Piña, Chrissy Stewart and Sierra and August Pichot, Sadie Adler and Debbie Blumberg.

These young musicians plan to perform more sidewalk concerts for neighbors in the future. 

See a video from here

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