What is Emptiness?
What is the true nature of reality? How do things exist? Who, actually, am I? These are all relevant and important questions for those seeking lasting happiness and meaning in life.
In his wisdom teachings, Buddha explained in clear and precise terms the true nature of things, including the nature of the self. These teachings were given, not for philosophical interest, but as the method to end suffering.
The topic is profound but is explained very clearly by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso in the chapter Ultimate Bodhicitta in the book Modern Buddhism (see below). In this special class, we will explore this wisdom through teachings, meditation and discussion. It’s important to keep asking important questions like the ones above. Stay curious until you have answers that satisfy you.
(“Emptiness” is the term used in Buddhism to describe the true nature of things. “Emptiness” is not “nothingness”, but the ultimate truth of phenomena)
About Modern Buddhism
Within Buddhism, there are tried and tested methods that we can learn, based on logical reasoning, that both make us happier now and create the causes for future happiness. In this class, you will be introduced to and learn how to practice these wisdom views in modern daily life.
The basis for the teachings come from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s book Modern Buddhism. A hard copy of this book can be purchased at the Center, or you can download a free digital version here.
The classes include teachings and discussions together with guided meditations. No previous experience of Buddhism or meditation is needed. We sit on regular chairs and no special clothing is needed. Everyone is welcome and anyone can benefit from these teachings regardless of nationality, culture, background, gender or age.
The retreat will be available for 7 days after the original broadcast.
10–11:15am Session 1
11:30am–12:15pm Session 2
1–2:30pm Session 3
If you have any questions please email: [email protected]
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