Private School Directory

Hope grows here

Angie Frederickson
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Kevin Gentry, Matalee Gentry, Brian Amis, Jordan Amis, Karen Gentry, Tom Gentry, Jill Leandro

Kevin and Matalee Gentry, Brian and Jordan Amis, Karen and Tom Gentry, and Jill Leandro (Photo: C.J. Martinez)

The Hilton Americas-Houston was packed with 800 supporters at the annual Promise Ball benefiting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Houston. Kevin and Matalee Gentry, Brian and Jordan Amis, Karen and Tom Gentry, and Jill Leandro (pictured, from left) enjoyed the Hope Grows Here-themed event that raised $2.8 million to support children living with Type 1 diabetes (T1D). Emcee and host of Houston Texans TV Drew Dougherty welcomed guests to their tables for dinner. The program provided estimated carbohydrate counts for each menu item because individuals who live with T1D must count every carb consumed to help control their blood-sugar level. Dougherty invited event chairs Jordan and Brian Amis, along with their son Charlie, to the stage, and the couple shared their experiences with JDRF when then 10-month-old Charlie (now 15) was first diagnosed with T1D. The Amises then introduced honoree Dr. Pam Carmain and she joined them on stage with her son Grant and daughter Kate. Guests wrapped up the evening on the dance floor with fan-favorite cover band Skyrocket!

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