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Is there a Book of Summer 2024?

Cindy Burnett
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First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston is a well-executed thriller that will keep readers guessing until the very end.

Most summers there are several books that seem to be everywhere – books that are prominently displayed at bookstores, that are talked about in the press and on social media, and that friends are recommending to me and/or asking if I have read them yet. 2024 doesn’t seem to have a book like that – instead there are a number of titles that people are highlighting. I interviewed some Buzz readers to learn what they have read and loved this summer.

Catherine Gentry: Houston author Catherine Gentry recommends both The Guncle Abroad by Steven Rowley and The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichl. About The Guncle Abroad: “I loved The Guncle Abroad, it might be that I'm in the mood for summer travel, but the characters were so much fun to spend time with and their adventures in Europe made me laugh out loud.” About The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichl, “I also really enjoyed The Paris Novel, about Paris in the 1980s. Filled with interesting characters, delicious food, a mystery involving a female Impressionist artist, and time spent at Shakespeare and Company bookstore in Paris, I couldn't put it down.” 

Patricia Hammond: Patricia recommends These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 (P.S.) by Nancy Turner saying “It is an interesting read exploring one girl’s experiences in the post-Civil War expansion west and her subsequent life on the frontier. Written in sometimes incorrect grammar because it’s a journaling of her life experiences. Historical fiction.” 

Deborah Dunkum: Deborah raves about First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston. “I have loved First Lie Wins by Ashley kept throwing me up and down. Every time I thought I was wise and on to it...boom! (Outside of what I typically read...only read after your suggestion).”

Nicole Anderson: Nicole recommends Cover Story by Susan Rigetti raving, “Cover Story is my absolute favorite! The plot twists keep you guessing. You can’t help but get into the characters. The ending makes you want to reread it.” 

Deanna Salazar:  Deanna says: “My favorite book of summer 2024 is Seven Summers by Paige Toon. I loved this book because the author did a wonderful job of writing a roller coaster of a love story that shattered my heart to pieces and then gave me the ending I needed! A perfect love story that takes place along the Cornish coastline over seven summers that is great to read poolside, at the beach or your favorite summer reading spot!”

I loved hearing everyone’s favorite summer reads for 2024! I hope everyone is safe and well following Hurricane Beryl.

For more book recommendations and bookish thoughts, see Cindy’s monthly Buzz Reads column, her Thoughts from a Page Podcast or follow @ThoughtsFromaPage on Instagram. Find upcoming Conversations from a Page events here.

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