Private School Directory

Racing to the goal

Angie Frederickson
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Fourth graders Abigail Tomaski and Mackenzie Arend (pictured) drive the ball down the field in a recent game at the Spring Branch Education Center fields. Abigail attends Frostwood Elementary, and Mackenzie attends Wilchester Elementary. The girls have been friends since age 2. They played on a soccer team together at age 4, and they are together again this year on the 10U Shooting Stars team. Other members of the Spring Branch-Memorial Sports Association’s (SBMSA) team are Isabelle Burkhart, Caroline Cashin, Lauren Clark, Alyssa Dearing, Kendall Emery, Claire Hess, Ellie Johnson, Elise LaVern, Ashton Lombard, Brooke Mandery and Alison Wells. Dads Jake Emery and Chris Arend have coached together for five years, and the team is having a great season.

Editor’s note: Send your best high-resolution photos and behind-the-scenes stories about young local athletes, in both team and individual sports, to SportsBuzz, Jr. at [email protected]. Include all contact info, names, ages, grades and schools. Featured athletes must live in Buzz-circulation neighborhoods. Items will be published on a space-available basis.

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