Photo Contest

Anne Briggs

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  • Carol Dinkins, Anne Briggs, Amy Allen

    While others were surfing, Carol and Anne (front row, from left) and Amy (back row) paid a visit to the verdant landscape where Michael Crichton, the author of Jurassic Park, was married – at the Allerton Garden, which is part of the National Tropical Botanical Garden on Kauai. 

    From: Last Hawaii Hurrah
  • Joseph Allen, Victoria Allen, Amy Allen, Nathaniel Allen, Anne Briggs, Garrett Briggs, Beck Briggs

    IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF KINGS The Allen/Briggs family on the Pololu Valley Lookout Trail, at one time a government road to ʻĀwini, a splendid cliffside overlook where ali’i (or Hawaiian royalty) once lived. Pictured (back row, from left) Amy, Nathaniel, Victoria, Beck; (second row) Joseph, Garrett, and Anne.

    From: Last Hawaii Hurrah

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