Private School Directory

Angela Roth’s Strawberry Chantilly Cream Puffs



Make choux pastry:
1 cup water
½ cup of butter
1 cup flour
4 large eggs (crack into bowl ahead of time)

Recipe directions: 

Heat oven to 400. Put parchment paper on cookie sheet. Heat water and butter to a rolling boil. Stir in flour. Stir quickly over low heat for about one minute or until mixture forms a ball. Remove from heat, beat in the eggs, all at once, until dough is smooth. Scoop scant ¼ cups onto sheet, making 12 of similar size.

Bake for 35 to 40 minutes until they are puffy and golden. Cool, cut off tops, and remove any wet-looking filaments.

Fill with:

Canned whipped cream with fresh sliced strawberries, OR

Beat a pint of cold whipping cream in a cold bowl and with cold beaters. Once you like the consistency, add powdered sugar to taste and mix in the inside scraping of one vanilla bean. Enjoy!

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