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Sweet Potato PB and Banana Toast

Sweet Potato PB and Banana Toast

Sweet Potato Peanut Butter and Banana Toast. (Photo: Karina Arnold)

Karina Arnold found this recipe posted by food-blogger Kelsey from “Little Bits of Real Food & Real Talk” and she loved it! Kelsey posted this combination along with the Sweet Potato and Avocado Toast. These are delicious and easy alternatives to the typical slice-of-bread toast. 


1 sweet potato
2 Tablespoons peanut or almond butter spread
½ banana, sliced
Cinnamon to garnish

Recipe directions: 

Slice sweet potato into toast like pieces (about ¼ inch thick) and insert into toaster. Toast twice on high in toaster to cook through and to get the slightly browned look. Spread almond or peanut butter on slice and top with banana and a dash of cinnamon. Enjoy!

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