Private School Directory

John Buri

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  • John Buri, John Hampton, Matthew Hawthorne, Grant Butrum

    BROADCASTING THE ACTION Adding an ESPN-style flair to the event, the Pecan Bowl broadcast team brought energy and play-by-play commentary to the game. Here, they stand proudly with the trophy. Pictured, from left: WMC President John Buri, John Hampton, Matthew Hawthorne, and Grant Butrum. (Photo:

    From: The Wilchester Men’s Club
  • John Hampton, Grant Butrum, and John Buri

    The broadcast team keeps fans excited, including (from left) John Hampton, Grant Butrum, and John Buri. (Photo: Big Pineapple Productions)

    From: The Wilchester Men’s Club
  • Matt Meade, John Buri, Tim Zacharias, Walker Agnew, Matt Gronseth

    Members of the Wilchester Men’s Club eagerly anticipate the annual Pecan Bowl Football Tournament. Pictured (top row, from left) are Matt Meade, John Buri, Tim Zacharias, Walker Agnew, and (kneeling) Matt Gronseth. (Photo:

    From: The Wilchester Men’s Club