Private School Directory

Editor's Note - August 2014

Joni Hoffman
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JoniIt all started with a tall, nonfat latte. On a springtime trip to Chicago, I met former Buzz intern Elisa O’Neal for coffee, and that’s when the concept for School Buzz was born. We would carve out a dedicated online spot for high school correspondents to share what was happening in their schools. Our goal is that it would be good for the aspiring writers, and good for the community. Digital media manager Jordan Magaziner started contacting local schools. To pull this off for 2014-15, we needed student writers to commit during May. They were cramming for final exams, but they sent writing samples, came in for interviews, started assignments, and ultimately attended a photo shoot during summer break. It’s encouraging to me that so many students are passionate about writing, photography and journalism. We hope you enjoy meeting our high school correspondents in this issue. [email protected]

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