Private School Directory

Escape from the heat

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Ebie Nametz, Mike Nametz, Connie Senter, Sharon Maloney, Lili Rubin, Sharon Albert Brier, Vicky Dyer-Smith, Mady Kades

Cape Cod getaway

A group of friends traveled to Woods Hole in Cape Cod in August to have a respite from the Houston heat wave. Ebie and Mike Nametz invited friends to share their 10-bedroom Cape Cod home on the water. The women filled their days with jaunts to Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard after exploring the beach and town at Woods Hole and didn’t have time for their favorite pastime, the strategy game of mah jongg, after all. They proclaimed the Nametzes the best hosts ever. Pictured (from left) are Connie Senter, Sharon Maloney, Ebie Nametz, Lili Rubin, Sharon Brier, Vicky Dyer-Smith and Mady Kades. Standing in the back is Mike Nametz.

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