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Wanderlust 2017

WANDERLUST 2017 If they weren't close friends before they went to the yoga retreat, they are now after bonding with crazy energy there. Bottom row, from left: Maggie Denson, Laura Rathe, Misha Laird, Sherry Tajvan and Beth McKim. Middle row, from left: Lori Milchovich, Laura McAughan, Mary Schneidau, Lisa Helfman and Rachel Tennenbaum. Last row, from left: Lili Rubin, Christi Harvey, Kim Albright, Leslie Goldman and Megan Cash.

Led by Misha Laird, 16 adventurous souls from The Houstonian went to Squaw Valley, Calif., for “Wanderlust 2017.” On the agenda were yoga, hikes, music and dancing. The group bonded easily through laughter and a “Language of Light” violin experience by Ida Jo. Chef Meredith Klein provided tasty food “that heals” in farm-to-table dinners. Beth McKim, Cristi Harvey, Kim AlbrightLaura McAughan, Laura Rathe, Leslie Goldman, Lili Rubin, Lisa Helfman, Lori Milchovich, Maggie Denson, Malcolm GoldinMary Schneidau, Megan Cash, Rachel Tenenbaum and Sherry Tajvan returned knowing more about the science of life.

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