Private School Directory

Helping motivated students

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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  • Rajashree, Jay, and Suhas Mondkar

    Rajashree, Jay, and Suhas Mondkar (Photo: Charles Dante Photography)

  • Craig Taylor, Sarah Ajao, Tarun Patel, executive director Jenna Moon, Mahlet Zewdie, Vi Nguyen Anderson Loan, Isabella Garcia, Gael Tamez, Adrian Piña, Yash Shahi, and Tejpal Singh

    Craig Taylor, Sarah Ajao, Tarun Patel, executive director Jenna Moon, Mahlet Zewdie, Vi Nguyen Anderson Loan, Isabella Garcia, Gael Tamez, Adrian Piña, Yash Shahi, and Tejpal Singh (Photo: Charles Dante Photography)

  • Ludmila and Rob Paul

    Ludmila and Rob Paul (Photo: Charles Dante Photography)

  • Rajashree, Jay, and Suhas Mondkar
  • Craig Taylor, Sarah Ajao, Tarun Patel, executive director Jenna Moon, Mahlet Zewdie, Vi Nguyen Anderson Loan, Isabella Garcia, Gael Tamez, Adrian Piña, Yash Shahi, and Tejpal Singh
  • Ludmila and Rob Paul

Atlas Scholars held a fundraising event, Sunday for Scholars, at the Houston Polo Club. Guests raised more than $140,000 for scholarships, admission-test tutoring, and mentorship for high school and college students. Jay Mondkar, a scholar graduate from the first year of the program, spoke and pledged a $20,000 match donation. The nonprofit, founded by River Oaks residents Craig Taylor and Tejpal Singh in 2013, provides mentorship and internships for motivated students of diverse backgrounds. Atlas Scholars has benefitted 87 scholars and awarded over $450,000 in scholarships. Board members include Mary Anne Brelinsky, Geoffrey Berg, and Greg Agran.

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Rajashree, Jay, and Suhas Mondkar

Rajashree, Jay, and Suhas Mondkar (Photo: Charles Dante Photography)

Craig Taylor, Sarah Ajao, Tarun Patel, executive director Jenna Moon, Mahlet Zewdie, Vi Nguyen Anderson Loan, Isabella Garcia, Gael Tamez, Adrian Piña, Yash Shahi, and Tejpal Singh

Craig Taylor, Sarah Ajao, Tarun Patel, executive director Jenna Moon, Mahlet Zewdie, Vi Nguyen Anderson Loan, Isabella Garcia, Gael Tamez, Adrian Piña, Yash Shahi, and Tejpal Singh (Photo: Charles Dante Photography)

Ludmila and Rob Paul

Ludmila and Rob Paul (Photo: Charles Dante Photography)

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