Photo Contest

Isabella Garcia

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Photos appearing in

  • Craig Taylor, Sarah Ajao, Tarun Patel, executive director Jenna Moon, Mahlet Zewdie, Vi Nguyen Anderson Loan, Isabella Garcia, Gael Tamez, Adrian Piña, Yash Shahi, and Tejpal Singh

    Craig Taylor, Sarah Ajao, Tarun Patel, executive director Jenna Moon, Mahlet Zewdie, Vi Nguyen Anderson Loan, Isabella Garcia, Gael Tamez, Adrian Piña, Yash Shahi, and Tejpal Singh (Photo: Charles Dante Photography)

    From: Helping motivated students
  • Senior overalls at Bellaire High School

    Jumping for joy, seniors (from left) Isabella Garcia, Mitra Mirpour, Ashley Truong, Teresa Datta, Linda Pham, Megan Doan, and Liana Wang show off their handmade overalls. 

    From: Senior Overalls Keep Traditions Alive
  • Senior overalls at Bellaire

    Creating overalls at Bellaire High School is a fun bonding experience that helps commemorate senior year. 

    From: Senior Overalls Keep Traditions Alive
  • Isabella Garcia and a koala

    At an Australian zoo, Isabella Garcia was able to hold koalas and take pictures with them. The students had to hold the koalas on their bottoms because they lack nerves there, so it isn't painful for them to be held by many people throughout the day.

    From: Traveling to Australia and New Zealand