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Christian Maines

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Photos appearing in

  • St. John's School Student Journalists

    (Back row, from left) David Nathan, Jared Margolis, Christian Maines, Gabe Malek, Matthew Neal, Sadde Mohamed, Michael Vermeulen, Chris Zimmerman.
    (Front row, from left) Brooke Kushwaha, Irene Vazquez, Cara Maines, Emma Shea, Grace Amandes, Ashwini Bandi, Sophie Li, Amy Liu. (Photo:Kemberley Kemp)

    From: St. John’s School Students Honored at the National High School Journalism Convention
  • David Brannon, Joe Moxley, Gavin Hallisey, Will Kersey, Christian Maines, Maddie Kelleher, Campbell Scheuerman, Sarah Knott

    (From left) David Brannon, Joe Moxley, Gavin Hallisey, Will Kersey, Christian Maines, Maddie Kelleher, Campbell Scheuerman and Sarah Knott. (Photo: Colleen Betti)

    From: Summer Program in Williamsburg, Virginia
  • Christian Maines

    Christian Maines, a junior at St. John’s School, loves writing for his school newspaper. Starting in the fall, he’ll be an editor.

    From: The front page