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Speech-and-debate success

Angie Frederickson
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St. Agnes Academy speech and debate team

St. Agnes Academy speech and debate team

St. Agnes Academy speech and debate team members celebrated big wins at the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) South Texas District Tournament held at Clear Falls High School in League City. The talented young women competed in Lincoln-Douglas debate, public forum debate, congressional debate, original oratory, domestic extemporaneous speaking, informative speaking, dramatic interpretation, humorous interpretation, duo interpretation, and program oral interpretation. Several students finished as finalists at the end of the multi-day event. Melinda Dae qualified for the NSDA national competition in program oral interpretation, and Ella Huang is a national-tournament alternate in Lincoln-Douglas debate. The team members are (top row, from left): Anna Frederickson, Megan Cung, Kyra Ezikeuzor, Blair Middleton, Ella Huang, Alexis Voisin, Mack Young, and Rebecca Bi; (bottom row, from left): Kiran Mehta, Catalina Martinez, Sophia Shebay, Dawn Earles, Gabriela Clinton, Bella Varghese, and Ada Aneke; not pictured: Melinda Dae, Anika Shethia, Abigail Little, and Courtney Shopoff.

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