Photo Contest

Sophia Shebay

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Photos appearing in

  • St. Agnes Academy speech and debate team

    St. Agnes Academy speech and debate team

    From: Speech-and-debate success
  • Jenna Pedley, Anna Guckenburg, Sophia Shebay, Sarah Jones, and Lily Delahoussaye

    PRACTICAL SKILLS Learning to be an adult is hard, but Jenna Pedley, Anna Guckenburg, Sophia Shebay, Sarah Jones, and Lily Delahoussaye are getting a head start, thanks to Sophia's dad, David Shebay.

    From: Adulting 101
  • Sophia Shebay, Maya Harpavat

    Sophia Shebay (’23) and Maya Harpavat (’22) stand at the entrance and welcome returning Student Council members.

    From: St. Agnes Student Council at TASC Summer Leadership Workshop
  • Sophia Shebay

    Sophia Shebay ('23) performing in dramatic interpretation. 

    From: Streaming Speech Tournaments
  • Joy Stephan, Zayne Nemroy, Sophia Shebay, Bailey Raymond

    Joy Stephan (‘23), Zayne Nemroy (‘23), Sophia Shebay (‘23), and Bailey Raymond (‘23) organizing the sophomore playlist. 

    From: St. Agnes Student Council Succeeds Through Coronavirus
  • Debate

    Debaters gather in the St. Agnes debate room prior to leaving for a tournament. Pictured are (top row, from left) Top row: Avery Jung (‘23), Dawn Earles (‘23), Aly Buttram (‘23), Anika Shethia (‘23), Isa Marx (‘23), Elaine Phan (‘23), Surmayee Thakur (‘22), Malia Palmer (‘22); (bottom row, from left) Sophia Shebay (‘23), Gargi Rakhade (‘23), Lorena Maher (‘23), Bailey Raymond (‘23), Anh-Thy Nguyen (‘23), Catalina Martinez (‘23). (Photo: Sherri Perry)

    From: Dare to Try Debate
  • Fish Week

    (From left to right) Lucy Terrell, Gargi Rakhade, Sophia Shebay, Anika Shethia, Annabelle Beaudette, Karina Davis wearing their costumes during St. Agnes Academy Fish Week. (Photo: Alexandria Levert)

    From: A Not-So-Frightening Fish Week