Photo Contest

Winter Wonderland, Houston Style: Snow Magical

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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Houston woke up on Tues., Jan. 21, to discover a fresh blanket of snow covering our city. And the snow was still falling. It was a surreal sight. This is the highest annual snowfall Houston has seen since 1973; snowfall from Winter Storm Enzo totaled more than six inches in some areas, though most of Houston saw two to four inches. For many, this marked the first time experiencing this kind of true, stick-to-the-ground snowfall right outside our doors. For some, this marked the first time experiencing snow, ever. 

Houstonians eagerly grabbed their snow gear (for some, that meant running to a store or scouring Facebook Marketplace once we heard the forecast of actual snow and for others, that meant just making do) and headed out the door. Families formed snowballs and had snowball fights with neighbors; built snowmen; went sledding (some creating makeshift sleds from laundry baskets or pool floats); brought out skis and snowboards and found nearby hills; made snow angels; tasted snowflakes; sipped hot chocolate; and stared out the window in wonder. Magical.  

Matt Hoffman snowboards in Spotts Park during Houston's snow day, Jan. 21, 2025. (Video: David Shannon)
Dr. Jennifer Taylor skis down the street on Houston's 2025 snow day.

Below we’ve shared some photos from Buzz-area neighbors enjoying a Houston-style snow day. Want to share your photos, videos, or a snow-day story? Email [email protected]

  • Bellaire Little League players and parents

    This crew of Bellaire Little League players and parents built a gigantic snowman on Weston Field. Pictured: Bubba Crosby, Hudson Crosby (in front), Rohan Wagle, Oliver Stern (in front), Seth Davidoff (in front), Todd Stern (in white jacket), Fitz Stern (in front of Todd), Asher Wagle (closest to the snowman), Tommy Crosby, Miles Davidoff (in front of Asher), Adam Davidoff, Reid Crosby (in red), and Silas Kwok. 

  • Parker Magaziner

    4-month-old Parker Magaziner making a snow angel.

  • Terry Hershey Park

    A view of Terry Hershey Park covered in snow.

  • Dr. Jennifer Taylor skiing

    Dr. Jennifer Taylor takes a ski trip down the street.

  • Glenmont snowball fight

    Glenmont neighbors participate in an epic snowball fight. 

  • Snow angels

    Vivian St. neighbors make snow angels. 

  • Brad Bath, Catherine Devine,

    Brad Bath and Dr. Catherine Devine with their life-sized snowman. (Photo: Ben Raymond)

  • Sofia Pham

    Sofia Pham snowboarding on Buffalo Speedway. 

  • Bowie the dog

    Bowie enjoying his first snow day on the bridge over 59.

  • Asher Wagle

    Asher Wagle stands next to a new Bellaire Little League teammate. 

  • Bellaire Little League players

    Bellaire Little League players worked together to create a snowman where they usually play baseball. Pictured, from left: Hudson Crosby, Oliver Stern, Seth Davidoff, Fitz Stern, Asher Wagle, Miles Davidoff, Reid Crosby, and Silas Kwok.

  • David Shannon

    David Shannon brought his board to Spotts Park. 

  • West U family snowman

    Juliana, Stephen, Kelley, Alex, and Ben Eubank with their snowman in West U. 

  • Jack Friedlander, Charlie Friedlander,

    Brothers Jack and Charlie Friedlander playing in the snow. 

  • Jack Friedlander

    Jack Friedlander taking a drive through the snow. 

  • Jan 2025

    Winter Storm Enzo brought historic snowfall to Houston on Jan. 21, 2025. (Photo: Trudy Jackson)

  • Joni Hoffman

    Buzz editor Joni Hoffman all smiles in the snow. 

  • Mom and daughter

    Mom and daughter Michelle and Kayla enjoy walking through the snow. 

  • Nora Campbell, Landon Campbell,

    Nora Campbell, just two weeks old, experienced her first snow day with her family (here, pictured with oldest brother Landon).

  • kids with snowman

    Siblings Alina and Amir El Annan show off their snowman with neighbor Abigail Ward.

  • Dr. Marian Zinnante, Elliot Ward, Abigail Ward, Dr. Jennifer Taylor

    From left: Dr. Marian Zinnante, grandmother of Elliot and Abigail Ward, and their mom Dr. Jennifer Taylor.

  • Mandy Nathan

    Mandy Nathan and Annie pose with their work of (snow) art.

  • Darrell

    Darrell created a life-sized snowman in Bellaire. (Photo: Suzanna Chiriboga)

  • Nasma Nasreddin, Ahmira Khan

    Nasma Nasreddin and Ashmira Khan making snow angels. 

  • Henry Moncrief, Cal Aimone, Lucas Moncrief

    Henry Moncrief, Cal Aimone, and Lucas Moncrief (pictured, from left) built an 80-inch snowman with the help from neighbors and friends. Lucas spotted a 6'4" snowman on the news and was determined to build one taller. Mission complete. 

  • North Blvd.

    A view of beautiful North Blvd.

  • Clara Moncrief

    Clara Moncrief helped neighbors build a tall snowman. 

  • Vivian St.

    Vivian St. in Bellaire covered in snow. (Photo: Joey Rappaport) 

  • Tamarisk neighbors

    Tamarisk neighbors, including the Zeid, Hayek, Akkad, Mooma, Nasreddin, and Ayoub families, had a blast in the snow. 

  • Paula Ariza, Rachael Veldman, Larsen Veldman,

    Paula Ariza, Rachael Veldman, and Larsen Veldman (pictured, from left) with their stylish snowman. 

  • Snowball fight

    Snowball fight! Neighbors (pictured, from left) Lucas Puig, Rafael LaMadrid, Luis LaMadrid, Jude Dahdel, Gabriel Leung, and Miles Marx enjoyed battling it out in the snow. 

  • Sophia Zeid, Chloe Zeid, Jenna Akkad, Hajar Ayoub, Adam Akkad,

    Pictured, with a smiling snowman: Sophia Zeid, Chloe Zeid, Jenna Akkad, Hajar Ayoub, and Adam Akkad. 

  • Wilson Levy

    Wilson Levy loved the snow and "zoomied" around the backyard. Here, he's taking a break to chill on a snow-covered bench. (Photo: Syma Levy)

  • Sloane Steinfeld

    Sloane Steinfeld enjoys a wagon ride in the snow. 

  • aerial shot of Allen Parkway

    An aerial shot of Allen Parkway facing west from Matt Hoffman's balcony. (Photo: Matt Hoffman)

  • Adam Akkad, Joseph Mooma, Zaid Nasreddin, Arish Khan

    These Tamarisk neighbors worked hard to craft a nearly-7-foot snowman. Pictured, from left: Adam Akkad, Joseph Mooma, Zaid Nasreddin, and Arish Khan. 

  • Vachani family

    The Vachani family all smiles on Vivian St.

  • This Bellaire pup loving the snow day. (Photo: Emily Smith)

  • Highway 59

    Highway 59 around 10 a.m. on Tuesday. 

  • Bellaire Little League players and parents
  • Parker Magaziner
  • Terry Hershey Park
  • Dr. Jennifer Taylor skiing
  • Glenmont snowball fight
  • Snow angels
  • Brad Bath, Catherine Devine,
  • Sofia Pham
  • Bowie the dog
  • Asher Wagle
  • Bellaire Little League players
  • David Shannon
  • West U family snowman
  • Jack Friedlander, Charlie Friedlander,
  • Jack Friedlander
  • Jan 2025
  • Joni Hoffman
  • Mom and daughter
  • Nora Campbell, Landon Campbell,
  • kids with snowman
  • Dr. Marian Zinnante, Elliot Ward, Abigail Ward, Dr. Jennifer Taylor
  • Mandy Nathan
  • Darrell
  • Nasma Nasreddin, Ahmira Khan
  • Henry Moncrief, Cal Aimone, Lucas Moncrief
  • North Blvd.
  • Clara Moncrief
  • Vivian St.
  • Tamarisk neighbors
  • Paula Ariza, Rachael Veldman, Larsen Veldman,
  • Snowball fight
  • Sophia Zeid, Chloe Zeid, Jenna Akkad, Hajar Ayoub, Adam Akkad,
  • Wilson Levy
  • Sloane Steinfeld
  • aerial shot of Allen Parkway
  • Adam Akkad, Joseph Mooma, Zaid Nasreddin, Arish Khan
  • Vachani family
  • Highway 59

Bellaire Little League players and parents

This crew of Bellaire Little League players and parents built a gigantic snowman on Weston Field. Pictured: Bubba Crosby, Hudson Crosby (in front), Rohan Wagle, Oliver Stern (in front), Seth Davidoff (in front), Todd Stern (in white jacket), Fitz Stern (in front of Todd), Asher Wagle (closest to the snowman), Tommy Crosby, Miles Davidoff (in front of Asher), Adam Davidoff, Reid Crosby (in red), and Silas Kwok. 

Parker Magaziner

4-month-old Parker Magaziner making a snow angel.

Terry Hershey Park

A view of Terry Hershey Park covered in snow.

Dr. Jennifer Taylor skiing

Dr. Jennifer Taylor takes a ski trip down the street.

Glenmont snowball fight

Glenmont neighbors participate in an epic snowball fight. 

Snow angels

Vivian St. neighbors make snow angels. 

Brad Bath, Catherine Devine,

Brad Bath and Dr. Catherine Devine with their life-sized snowman. (Photo: Ben Raymond)

Sofia Pham

Sofia Pham snowboarding on Buffalo Speedway. 

Bowie the dog

Bowie enjoying his first snow day on the bridge over 59.

Asher Wagle

Asher Wagle stands next to a new Bellaire Little League teammate. 

Bellaire Little League players

Bellaire Little League players worked together to create a snowman where they usually play baseball. Pictured, from left: Hudson Crosby, Oliver Stern, Seth Davidoff, Fitz Stern, Asher Wagle, Miles Davidoff, Reid Crosby, and Silas Kwok.

David Shannon

David Shannon brought his board to Spotts Park. 

West U family snowman

Juliana, Stephen, Kelley, Alex, and Ben Eubank with their snowman in West U. 

Jack Friedlander, Charlie Friedlander,

Brothers Jack and Charlie Friedlander playing in the snow. 

Jack Friedlander

Jack Friedlander taking a drive through the snow. 

Jan 2025

Winter Storm Enzo brought historic snowfall to Houston on Jan. 21, 2025. (Photo: Trudy Jackson)

Joni Hoffman

Buzz editor Joni Hoffman all smiles in the snow. 

Mom and daughter

Mom and daughter Michelle and Kayla enjoy walking through the snow. 

Nora Campbell, Landon Campbell,

Nora Campbell, just two weeks old, experienced her first snow day with her family (here, pictured with oldest brother Landon).

kids with snowman

Siblings Alina and Amir El Annan show off their snowman with neighbor Abigail Ward.

Dr. Marian Zinnante, Elliot Ward, Abigail Ward, Dr. Jennifer Taylor

From left: Dr. Marian Zinnante, grandmother of Elliot and Abigail Ward, and their mom Dr. Jennifer Taylor.

Mandy Nathan

Mandy Nathan and Annie pose with their work of (snow) art.


Darrell created a life-sized snowman in Bellaire. (Photo: Suzanna Chiriboga)

Nasma Nasreddin, Ahmira Khan

Nasma Nasreddin and Ashmira Khan making snow angels. 

Henry Moncrief, Cal Aimone, Lucas Moncrief

Henry Moncrief, Cal Aimone, and Lucas Moncrief (pictured, from left) built an 80-inch snowman with the help from neighbors and friends. Lucas spotted a 6'4" snowman on the news and was determined to build one taller. Mission complete. 

North Blvd.

A view of beautiful North Blvd.

Clara Moncrief

Clara Moncrief helped neighbors build a tall snowman. 

Vivian St.

Vivian St. in Bellaire covered in snow. (Photo: Joey Rappaport) 

Tamarisk neighbors

Tamarisk neighbors, including the Zeid, Hayek, Akkad, Mooma, Nasreddin, and Ayoub families, had a blast in the snow. 

Paula Ariza, Rachael Veldman, Larsen Veldman,

Paula Ariza, Rachael Veldman, and Larsen Veldman (pictured, from left) with their stylish snowman. 

Snowball fight

Snowball fight! Neighbors (pictured, from left) Lucas Puig, Rafael LaMadrid, Luis LaMadrid, Jude Dahdel, Gabriel Leung, and Miles Marx enjoyed battling it out in the snow. 

Sophia Zeid, Chloe Zeid, Jenna Akkad, Hajar Ayoub, Adam Akkad,

Pictured, with a smiling snowman: Sophia Zeid, Chloe Zeid, Jenna Akkad, Hajar Ayoub, and Adam Akkad. 

Wilson Levy

Wilson Levy loved the snow and "zoomied" around the backyard. Here, he's taking a break to chill on a snow-covered bench. (Photo: Syma Levy)

Sloane Steinfeld

Sloane Steinfeld enjoys a wagon ride in the snow. 

aerial shot of Allen Parkway

An aerial shot of Allen Parkway facing west from Matt Hoffman's balcony. (Photo: Matt Hoffman)

Adam Akkad, Joseph Mooma, Zaid Nasreddin, Arish Khan

These Tamarisk neighbors worked hard to craft a nearly-7-foot snowman. Pictured, from left: Adam Akkad, Joseph Mooma, Zaid Nasreddin, and Arish Khan. 

Vachani family

The Vachani family all smiles on Vivian St.

This Bellaire pup loving the snow day. (Photo: Emily Smith)

Highway 59

Highway 59 around 10 a.m. on Tuesday. 

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