Mandy Nathan

Councilman Amanda B. (Mandy) Nathan was elected in November of 2009 to serve her 1st term in Position No. 6. Mayor Pro Tem Amanda B. Nathan is serving her 2nd term in Position No. 6 (January 9, 2012 - January 4, 2016). Mandy has been an active member of the Bellaire community since moving to Bellaire in 1998; her roles include having served on the Bellaire Board of Adjustment (including as assistant chair) and Bellaire Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (including as chair). Mandy is a graduate of Rice University and Harvard Law School, and has practiced with the commercial litigation firm Gibbs & Bruns, L.L.P. since 1992, as an associate, partner, and now of counsel. Mandy and her husband David, a schoolteacher, have two sons, both of whom attended Condit Elementary School and now attend Lamar High School. See her full bio here.