Private School Directory

Emerald ring on the Emerald Isle

Angie Frederickson
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Greg Shannon, Grace Prunty

Greg Shannon and Grace Prunty

Greg Shannon and Grace Prunty (pictured) turned their dream trip to Ireland into a real-life fairytale. The couple spent time exploring the country from their base in Dublin. On the second day of the trip, they rented a car and headed to the Cliffs of Moher, where they quickly mastered the art of left-hand driving, only clipping a couple of curbs. While admiring the cliffs under a rare clear-blue Irish sky, Greg surprised Grace with a proposal at Hag’s Head. Although they were in a less crowded spot along the cliffs, nearby tourists erupted in cheers and a kind, unknown traveler captured the perfect moment with photos. The happy couple celebrated their new engagement with a romantic dinner in Galway before returning to Dublin. Greg, son of Amy and Jerry Shannon, and Grace, daughter of Cindy and Kevin Prunty, are now planning a Chicago wedding in 2025.

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