Alexa Halim
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Article Mentions
By Jaylenn Holmes |
January 31, 2020
People in this article:
Diego Mckenna Borrero, Jaylenn Holmes, Alexa Halim, Nicholas Wesley, Allie Guerra, Hanna Chong-Ahmed, Julissa Ramirez, Thiara Cháves, Ambar Caldwell, Lakshmi Sunder, Sylvia Zhao, Maika Nebgen, McKenna Leach, Carson McHugh, Izabella Zhang, Ashley Chu, Sophia Marshal, Ian Dessauer, Alexa Williams, Joelle Rosales, Elena Oliveira, Callum Curtis, Nicholas Lam, Sloane Ritterbush, Isabella Chang, Amanda Quiñónez, Sarah Grace, Seva Raman, Rylan Carroll, Lia Stallman, Ava Brown