Photo Contest

Gem Rigsby

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Photos appearing in

  • Gem Rigsby

    STORY OF A BOOK After undergoing brain surgery, Gem Rigsby learned to write, read, and paint again as she wrote and illustrated her children's book There Is a Little Toe.

    From: A Gift of Gratitude
  • Gem Rigsby

    FULFILLING A PROMISE “I promised the Lord if he would let me learn to read again, I would write another book and make it for children,” said Gem Rigsby. 

    From: A Gift of Gratitude
  • Gem Rigsby, Lana Rigsby,

    A PUZZLING RECIPE Gem Rigsby (on left) was surprised to see a dressing recipe attached to her name in The Buzz, until Lana, her daughter (on right), explained she had submitted it. Lana had no idea the recipe wasn’t her mother’s original creation.

    From: Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due: One Recipe’s Storied Origin