Photo Contest

Jackson Lyttleton

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Photos appearing in

  • Strake students

    Strake students in Tanzania. Pictured: Jack Brindle, Brian Naff, Josh Cordingley, Blake Newell, Mr. D'Souza, Dane Giunta, Dennis O'Connell, Mario Hernandez, Collins Simpson, Joey Lyons, Trevor Schneider, Jackson Lyttleton, Dr. Scott Berger, Jimbo Maher, Ignacio Perez, and Tristan Glynn. 

    From: Hotel Tanzania: Strake Students Explore East African Culture
  • Jackson Lyttleton, Trevor Schneider, Diego Padilla

    (From left) Strake Jesuit students Jackson Lyttleton, Trevor Schneider and Diego Padilla with the statue of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit order. (Photo: Timothy Neuhaus) 

    From: Decoding Strake Jesuit
  • Strake Jesuit Educational Television

    (Back row, from left) Diego Padilla, John Villanueva, Davis Foringer and Wesley Pierre; (front row, from left) Jackson Lyttleton (in the chair), Trevor Schneider and Ethan Lambright. (Photo: Nicky Stunz)

    From: Behind the Scenes at Strake Jesuit Educational Television