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Trevor Schneider

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  • Trevor Schneider

    Trevor Schneider – College of William & Mary (Senior photo: Laura Mansur)

    From: Class of 2018
  • Trevor Schneider

    ADVENTURES ABROAD Trevor Schneider, a senior at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, visited his brother in St. Petersburg.

    From: From Russia with love
  • Strake students

    Strake students in Tanzania. Pictured: Jack Brindle, Brian Naff, Josh Cordingley, Blake Newell, Mr. D'Souza, Dane Giunta, Dennis O'Connell, Mario Hernandez, Collins Simpson, Joey Lyons, Trevor Schneider, Jackson Lyttleton, Dr. Scott Berger, Jimbo Maher, Ignacio Perez, and Tristan Glynn. 

    From: Hotel Tanzania: Strake Students Explore East African Culture
  • Trevor Schneider

    Strake Jesuit student Trevor Schneider embracing his time in Tanzania. 

    From: Hotel Tanzania: Strake Students Explore East African Culture
  • Trevor Schneider
  • Buzz summer interns

    Buzz summer interns (from left) Nicki Miller, Trevor Schneider and Maddy Payne passed out popcorn to families at the Dive-In Movie Night.


    From: Dive-In Movie Night 2017
  • Trevor Schneider

    Trevor Schneider, who interned with The Buzz this summer, proudly displays the fruit of his tumultuous journey. (Photo:

    From: The Intern Chronicles: Quest for the Vape
  • Trevor Schneider

    Buzz intern Trevor Schneider standing in front of the gladiator guarding the museum exhibit entrance. (Photo: Jordan Miller-Mandel) 

    From: Exploring 'Gladiators: Heroes of the Colosseum'
  • Trevor Schneider

    Buzz intern Trevor Schneider sitting atop his throne, which is built in to one of the walls full of mosaics. (Photo: Trevor Schneider)  

    From: Mosaics in Smither Park
  • Trevor, David, Anthony Schneider

    The Schneider boys - (from left) Trevor, David, Anthony - stop for a rest at one of St. Petersburg's beautiful mosques.

    From: From Russia With Love: The Schneiders Tackle St. Petersburg
  • Schneider family

    The Schneider family - (from left) Arlene, Anthony, Trevor and David- after climbing a three-thousand-step belltower. 

    From: From Russia With Love: The Schneiders Tackle St. Petersburg
  • Trevor Schneider

    St. Petersburg’s weather remained in the 50s, 60s, and 70s throughout the Schenider family's visit. Hence Trevor's smile. 

    From: From Russia With Love: The Schneiders Tackle St. Petersburg
  • Trevor and Anthony Schneider

    Brothers Trevor and Anthony Schneider, reunited, pose for a picture at Peter and Paul Fortress. The rabbit’s significance remains unknown - it’s pretty cute, though. 

    From: From Russia With Love: The Schneiders Tackle St. Petersburg
  • Student-directed one-act plays

    (From left): Trey Riedle, Trevor Schneider, Mason Lehane, Max Honjo and Alex Razim (in the foreground). (Photo: Matt Rea) 

    From: Curtain Call: One-Act Plays to Bid Farewell to the Class of ’17
  • Jackson Lyttleton, Trevor Schneider, Diego Padilla

    (From left) Strake Jesuit students Jackson Lyttleton, Trevor Schneider and Diego Padilla with the statue of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit order. (Photo: Timothy Neuhaus) 

    From: Decoding Strake Jesuit
  • Strake Jesuit Educational Television

    (Back row, from left) Diego Padilla, John Villanueva, Davis Foringer and Wesley Pierre; (front row, from left) Jackson Lyttleton (in the chair), Trevor Schneider and Ethan Lambright. (Photo: Nicky Stunz)

    From: Behind the Scenes at Strake Jesuit Educational Television
  • School Buzz correspondents

    THE NEXT GENERATION Some of our School Buzz correspondents gather to brainstorm for the school year: (from left, bottom bleacher) Maya Kanani, Bellaire HS; Trevor Schneider, Strake Jesuit; Bayle Goldman, Stratford HS; Pranay Palvadi, Awty International; Celia Houston, Saint Thomas’ Episcopal; Cristobella Durrette, Incarnate Word; Robert Coghlan IV, St. Pius X; Natalie Lee, Memorial HS; (second bleacher) Sophia Wayne, Episcopal HS; Stacey Yard, Carnegie Vanguard HS; Celine Lai, Second Baptist; Reagan Bisel, Emery/Weiner; Savanna Lim, HSPVA; Mackenzie McAnear, The Briarwood School; (third bleacher) Sara Koch, Episcopal HS; Julia Randolph, The Village School; Elisa Flores, The Village School; Benjamin Cohen, Emery/Weiner; Anna Epstein, Emery/Weiner; Channing Smith, St. Agnes; Jenna Blumrosen, Emery/Weiner; (fourth bleacher) Holly Kurisky, Memorial HS; Catherine Gassiot, St. Agnes; Claire Furse, St. John’s; Sarah Cowan, Memorial HS; Grace Burgert, Duchesne; Sara Burpeau, Kinkaid; Emma Lapin, Emery/Weiner; Abbie Seay, The Briarwood School; (top bleacher) Deborah Brown, Robert M. Beren; Leora Geralnik, Beren; Liana Salehian, DeBakey HS; Madeline Muschalik, Memorial HS; Natalie Farrell, St. Agnes; and Meher Qazilbash, Awty International. (Photo:

    From: #schoolbuzz
  • Trevor Schneider

    Freshman Trevor Schneider gets his head shaved. (Photo: Ray Che)

    From: Strake freshmen traditional head-shaving event