Photo Contest

Oliver Lin

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Photos appearing in

  • Oliver Lin

    CLASS ACT Oliver Lin and Arianna Doss, sophomores at St. John’s School, started a nonprofit tutoring service for elementary- and middle-school students.

    From: A+ idea
  • Oliver Lin, Arianna Doss,

    CLASS ACT Oliver Lin and Arianna Doss, sophomores at St. John’s School, started a nonprofit tutoring service for elementary- and middle-school students.

    From: A+ idea
  • Adam Nichamoff, James Li, Patrick Li, Oliver Lin

    Adam Nichamoff, James Li, Patrick Li and Oliver Lin in the pool with their floats. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 

    From: Dive-In Movie Night 2017
  • Oliver Lin, Jason Deng, Hannah Hu, Meghana Dinius, Emily Vaughan, Angel Chao

    (Pictured, top row, from left) Oliver Lin, Jason Deng, Hannah Hu, (bottom row, from left) Meghana Dinius, Emily Vaughan, and Angel Chao.

    From: Book worms
  • Oliver Lin, Vir Shah, Mathew Evans, Dylan Daniel, Arthur Tang, Rushil Chetty, Sophie Turck

    Oliver Lin, Vir Shah, Mathew Evans, Dylan Daniel, Arthur Tang, Rushil Chetty and Sophie Turck

    From: Top of the morning

Photos appearing in