Photo Contest

Abigail Shelby

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Photos appearing in

  • Lauren McAuliffe, Abigail Shelby, Victoria Shelby, Alex Rivero,

    Lauren McAuliffe (Texas A&M) had fun parading around with fellow front seat passenger Abigail Shelby (Villanova), Victoria Shelby (Texas A&M) and Alex Rivero (Air Force Academy) and friends from their Condit Elementary days.

    From: Pomp and Circumstance for City of Bellaire Seniors
  • Abigail Shelby

    ST. AGNES TO VILLANOVA St. Agnes Academy senior goalie Abigail Shelby led her team to a district championship in water polo just before the season was halted due to the coronavirus. Shelby will play collegiate water polo for Villanova University.

    From: SportzBuzz - June 2020
  • Abigail Shelby

    Abigail Shelby – Villanova University (Senior photo: BethanyMichaelPhotography)

    From: Class of 2020
  • Abigail Shelby, Suzanne Shelby,

    Abigail and Suzanne Shelby all smiles with their pink and green hair.

    From: Quarantine Hair, Don't Care!
  • Abigail Shelby

    Abigail Shelby, a top water polo player at St. Agnes Academy, will continue her sport this fall at Villanova University. 

    From: National Signing Day 2020
  • Pudding day

    Thankfully Ms. Vicky isn’t as “pudding-ey” as Audrey Leonard and Abigail Shelby during the fifth-grade crossover pudding day ritual on the front lawn of West U Methodist. Not shown are all the empty cans of pudding it took to fill three baby pools.

    From: West U Methodist Celebrates Three Decades of Vicky Savage
  • Corman grandkids

    Vic and Cherry Corman’s grandkids know that Papaw and Meme’s garage is the place to be the Sunday before Christmas for the annual Corman Gingerbread House Decorating Extravaganza! Pictured are (from left) Abigail Shelby, Edmund Weinheimmer, Hannah Weinheimmer, Victoria Shelby and Bethany Weinheimmer show off their creations. (Photo: Suzanne Shelby)

    From: Gingerbread House Holiday Home Tours
  • Condit kindergarten class of 2007-08
  • Condit reunion

    Pictured, gathered at the Condit reunion were (first row, from left) Kaylen Janecek, Meg Pieri, Fred Bowyer, Heather Parker Drake, Carol Mandola, Christina Daly Meyer; second row, from left) Ethan Towber, Anna Macia, Lauren Ohler, Demi Papas, Kate Logan, Rachel Reed, Ishani Shethia, Maddie Stein, Rachel James, Lauren McAuliffe, Garrett Green, Abigail Shelby, Alexander Adrogue; (third row, from left) Liza Meyer,  Benjamin Dauber, Cameron Moore, Megan Frankel, Hailey Green, Spenser Dale, Ben Kugler, Ernesto Loera, Naveen Aiyer, Thomas Fuller, Tyler Vann; (fourth row, from left) Connor Young, Tobias Hill and Ming Perlman. Not pictured: Cara Kennedy, Ava Goodman, Kelly Watkins, Maddie Youngblood, Danielle Henry and Mr. Kenny Jones.

    From: Condit 2007 Kindergartners Kick Off Senior Year Together
  • Friendsgiving at BRIO

    Grace Arrell, Madlyn Smith, Haley Murphy, Abigail Shelby and Natalie Guandique happy to be together for Friendsgiving. They celebrated at BRIO Tuscan Grille.

    From: Friendsgiving (and Un-Friendsgiving) Fun
  • Class of 2020

    Lifelong friends from the Class of 2020 having a ball on the new playground blacktop included Thomas Fuller (St. Thomas), Donovan Meade (Bellaire), Ayush Krishnamoorti (Kinkaid), Michael Bell (Kinkaid), Cameron Moore (Strake Jesuit), Megan Frankel (Kinkaid), Abigail Shelby (St. Agnes), Tobias Hill (Lamar), Cara Kennedy (Episcopal), Lauren Ohler (Bellaire), Lauren McCauliffe (Bellaire), Ben Kugler (Bellaire) and Ming Perlman (Bellaire).

    From: From Kindergarten to Cars: Condit Cat Reunion
  • Madelyn Smith, Abigail Shelby, Natalie Guandique

    Madelyn Smith, Abigail Shelby and Natalie Guandique eating before the movie showing at the 2017 Dive-In Movie Night. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 


    From: Dive-In Movie Night 2017