Photo Contest

Thomas Fuller

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Photos appearing in

  • Josiah Williams, Thomas Fuller,

    Josiah and Thomas Fuller goofing around at West University Methodist as children.

    From: Labor Day Weekend Reflections: Remembering Hurricane Katrina
  • Rayna Foy, Thomas Fuller,

    Rayna with an "all grown up" Thomas Fuller. Josiah was two and Thomas was four when they met. Josiah always enjoyed playing with his older friend. 

    From: Labor Day Weekend Reflections: Remembering Hurricane Katrina
  • 2014 Tents in Town

    Ben Dauber, Ethan Kayl, Thomas Fuller, and Donovan Meade are all smiles at the 2014 Tents in Town.

    From: Urban Campouts for a Cause: Bellaire and West U’s Beloved Traditions
  • Grant McCoy, Thomas Fuller,

    These friends, who graduated from St. Thomas High School in 2020, had a blast playing in the West U Methodist High School League together. Teammates included Grant McCoy (far left) and Thomas Fuller (#14).

    From: Slam Dunk: Youth Basketball Leagues in Houston
  • Thomas Fuller

    Thomas Fuller – Texas Tech University (Senior photo: Amanda Dearborn)

    From: Class of 2020
  • Thomas Fuller

    Bellaire neighbors and friends did a good job following the instructions on Thomas Fuller’s St. Thomas yard sign that says, “Honk! There’s an STH Eagle Stuck Inside!” 

    From: Bellaire Neighbors Light the Night for Class of 2020
  • Class of 2020 friends

    Class of 2020 friends (from left) Thomas Fuller, Dylan Shirley and Justin King (and T. Grizzly) ready to ring in the year they graduate from St. Thomas High School and head to college.

    From: Ringing in the New Decade: Clear Vision for 2020
  • Fuller family

    Karen, Thomas and Andrew Fuller were very happy to successfully finish their first Turkey Trot in 2013. Karen’s turkey hat miraculously stayed on the entire time!

    From: Turkey Trot Triumph
  • Condit kindergarten class of 2007-08
  • Condit reunion

    Pictured, gathered at the Condit reunion were (first row, from left) Kaylen Janecek, Meg Pieri, Fred Bowyer, Heather Parker Drake, Carol Mandola, Christina Daly Meyer; second row, from left) Ethan Towber, Anna Macia, Lauren Ohler, Demi Papas, Kate Logan, Rachel Reed, Ishani Shethia, Maddie Stein, Rachel James, Lauren McAuliffe, Garrett Green, Abigail Shelby, Alexander Adrogue; (third row, from left) Liza Meyer,  Benjamin Dauber, Cameron Moore, Megan Frankel, Hailey Green, Spenser Dale, Ben Kugler, Ernesto Loera, Naveen Aiyer, Thomas Fuller, Tyler Vann; (fourth row, from left) Connor Young, Tobias Hill and Ming Perlman. Not pictured: Cara Kennedy, Ava Goodman, Kelly Watkins, Maddie Youngblood, Danielle Henry and Mr. Kenny Jones.

    From: Condit 2007 Kindergartners Kick Off Senior Year Together
  • We Heart Houston

    A favorite Houston photo op is in front of the We Heart Houston sculpture just south of downtown. Pictured: Cousins Kate and Thomas Fuller showing some love for Houston. Space City continues to have more and more great locations to take pictures including an ever growing number of murals and public art around H-Town. 

    From: Fantastically Free Family Fun: Summer Adventures
  • Family of Vic Vine

    The family of Vic Vine takes a moment to pose for a group photo and give a cheer for his wonderful life, 1928- 2004. (Writer Karen Vine Fuller is pictured, top right, holding her son, Thomas).

    From: Homecoming Smiles for Father’s Day
  • Thomas Fuller

    Pre-K Thomas "Elvis" Fuller having fun working his blue cape and microphone.

    From: The King is in the Building: Happy Birthday, Elvis!
  • Karen Vine Fuller, Thomas Fuller

    Writer Karen Vine Fuller and proud shepherd mom, pictured in 2014 with her shepherd son, Thomas.

    From: Confessions of a Live Nativity Shepherd: Memories from 'Christmas Alive'
  • Class of 2020

    Lifelong friends from the Class of 2020 having a ball on the new playground blacktop included Thomas Fuller (St. Thomas), Donovan Meade (Bellaire), Ayush Krishnamoorti (Kinkaid), Michael Bell (Kinkaid), Cameron Moore (Strake Jesuit), Megan Frankel (Kinkaid), Abigail Shelby (St. Agnes), Tobias Hill (Lamar), Cara Kennedy (Episcopal), Lauren Ohler (Bellaire), Lauren McCauliffe (Bellaire), Ben Kugler (Bellaire) and Ming Perlman (Bellaire).

    From: From Kindergarten to Cars: Condit Cat Reunion