Private School Directory

Audrey Leonard

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  • Daniel Irr, Esther Almaraz, Audrey Leonard

    SMILES CAN’T BE MASKED Esther “Grandma Essie” Almaraz’s 1940s polio-epidemic experience has helped her college-freshmen grandchildren, Daniel Irr and Audrey Leonard, stay positive during the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo:

    From: Pandemic Perspectives
  • Esther Almaraz, Alma Connor, Daniel Irr, Julia Irr, Audrey Leonard

    Grandma Essie, daughter Alma Connor and grandchildren Daniel Irr, Julia Irr and Audrey Leonard (from left) celebrated Mother’s Day at Essie's senior living community.

    From: Pandemic Perspectives
  • Audrey Leonard

    Audrey Leonard displayed a “Gig’em” Aggie thumb ready next to her Congratulations and ATM Class of 2024 sign painted by her Fairy Grad-Mother, Sue Jensen.

    From: The Fairy Grad-Mothers: Sprinkling a Dose of Magic on the Class of 2020
  • Audrey Leonard

    Audrey Leonard – Texas A&M University (Senior photo: Annette Boatwright Photography)

    From: Class of 2020
  • Esther Almaraz, Audrey Leonard, Daniel Irr

    Esther Almaraz, also known as Grandma Essie, is proud of her grandchildren, Audrey Leonard and Daniel Irr, who will soon graduate from high school. Like the Class of 2020, Esther's Class of 1946's school year ended early because of a health crisis; theirs was polio while today the culprit is the coronavirus. (Photo: Alma Connor)

    From: Perspectives on the Pandemic: From Polio to Coronavirus
  • Esther Almaraz, Alma Connor, Daniel Irr, Julia Irr, Audrey Leonard,

    Grandma Essie shares a sweet, safe social-distancing Mother's Day with (pictured) daughter Alma Connor and grandchildren Daniel Irr, Julia Irr and Audrey Leonard. 

    From: Perspectives on the Pandemic: From Polio to Coronavirus
  • Pudding day

    Thankfully Ms. Vicky isn’t as “pudding-ey” as Audrey Leonard and Abigail Shelby during the fifth-grade crossover pudding day ritual on the front lawn of West U Methodist. Not shown are all the empty cans of pudding it took to fill three baby pools.

    From: West U Methodist Celebrates Three Decades of Vicky Savage
  • Audrey Leonard

    Audrey Leonard, pictured here in kindergarten, enjoyed taking her photo with her new furry friend. (Photo:

    From: Easter Eggstravaganza
  • St. Mark’s Episcopal School class of 2016

    St. Mark’s Episcopal School class of 2016

    From: And they’re off