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Laura Ryan

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    FABULOUS 40TH Tabatha Urech’s 40th festivities were planned for Cabo when a hurricane interfered. The group of friends headed to Horseshoe Bay instead to celebrate. Pictured are (front row, from left) Jerome Magee, Steve Sinos, Brad Schuetz, Colin Grover; (back row, from left) Tanya McDaniel, Kelly Ross, Simona McKey, Laura Ryan, Sara Payne, Katherine Evans, Tabatha Urech, Lindsey Fleetwood, Perla Grover, Emily Gooding, and Grant Gooding.

    From: Rumor Has It - January 2024

    FABULOUS 40TH Tabatha Urech’s 40th festivities were planned for Cabo when a hurricane interfered. The group of friends headed to Horseshoe Bay instead to celebrate. Pictured are: Kelly and David Ross, Emily and Grant Gooding, Tabatha and Brandon Urech, Perla and Colin Grover, Amanda and Will Zschau, Kate Burke and Josh Bhatia, Sara Payne and Brad Schuetz, Tanya McDaniel and Jerome Magee, Laura and Michael Ryan, Simona and Jesse McKey, Steve Sinos, Katherine and Johnny Evans; not pictured: Lindsey and Brandon Fleetwood.

    From: Rumor Has It - January 2024
  • Robert Ryan, Laura Ryan, Michael Ryan, Paige Ryan

    Join Walk With Me Houston virtually or in-person this year. In 2020, participants Robert, Laura, Michael, and Paige Ryan walked a route near their home to support Easter Seals Greater Houston.

    From: Walking together, apart

    GEARING UP Twelve moms of special needs children are training to run Ragnar Del Sol, a relay race from Wickenburg to Mesa, Jan. 31-Feb. 1. Back row, from left: Nikki Thomason, Dahlia Brown, Kelly Scoggins, Dawn Kemp, Shana Halvorsen. Front row, from left: Liz Maberry, Shannon Essex, Marla Grace, Elizabeth Elder, Evelyn Nordin, Laura Ryan and Kate Peden.

    From: Steel Magnolia Moms
  • Dawn Kemp, Nikki Thomason, Dahlia Brown, Kelly Scoggins, Shana Halvorsen, Elizabeth Elder, Evelyn Nordin, Shannon Essex, Laura Ryan, Marla Grace, Liz Maberry and Kate Peden

    RISING FROM THE ASHES Steel Magnolia Moms make lemonade out of lemons at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, where the race would have begun. The group took a symbolic run wearing custom running pants designed by Buzz resident Leslie Denby of DYI (Define Your Inspiration). From left: Dawn Kemp, Nikki Thomason, Dahlia Brown, Kelly Scoggins, Shana Halvorsen, Elizabeth Elder, Evelyn Nordin, Shannon Essex, Laura Ryan, Marla Grace, Liz Maberry and Kate Peden.

    From: Steel Magnolia Moms
  • Steel Magnolia moms

    Steel Magnolia moms

    From: Steel Magnolia moms