Private School Directory

Lauren Biar

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  • Nikki Altmann, Abby Hwang, Lauren Biar, Katelyn Krivan, Kendra Evans,

    Friends are headed separate ways this fall (from left): Nikki Altmann – Texas A&M University, Abby Hwang – University of Texas, Lauren Biar – Louisiana State University, Katelyn Krivan – University of Arkansas, Kendra Evans – University of Oklahoma.

    From: MHS Seniors are Cruising On
  • The Markettes

    The Markettes (Photo: Brad Coleman)

    From: Picture this
  • Memorial High School homecoming court

    ROYALTY AT THE GAME The Memorial High School homecoming court had some proud dads alongside them. From left: Choongyong Han, Sharon Han, Andrew Biar, Lauren Biar (homecoming queen), Joe Short, Lily Short, Jacqueline Morris, John Morris, Rachel Royster and Chris Royster.  

    From: Crowns
  • Markette and Spartainaire Social Officers

    Markette and Spartainaire Social Officers. Pictured are (top row, from left) London Keller, Jade Waldren, Susanna Teske, Maddie Klam, Hannah Timmreck, Maddie Dawson, Jessica Wright, Mary Grace McConn; (bottom row, from left): Carolina Rincon, Lauren Biar, Melonie Yue, Megan Benz, Caroline Lavern, Kate Miller

    From: The Martanaires Make Their Debut
  • Markettes social officers

    Markettes' social officers at the first social event of the year. Pictured are (back row, from left) Megan Benz, Susanna Teske, Madeline Klam, Jade Waldren, Jessica Wright; (front row, from left) London Keller, Melonie Yue, Lauren Biar.

    From: MHS Athletes Work Hard, Create Memories Over the Summer
  • Lauren Biar, Jade Waldren,

    Pictured (from left) at the Markettes' first outdoor practice of the summer are Lauren Biar and Jade Waldren. 

    From: MHS Athletes Work Hard, Create Memories Over the Summer
  • Memorial High School Markettes’ officers

    This summer, Memorial High School Markettes’ officers gathered at the Crowd Pleasers Officer Camp in Galveston to prepare for a great year. 

    From: Markettes’ moments
  • The Markettes

    The Markettes

    From: Markettes’ movie marathon
  • Memorial Markettes

    Memorial Markettes

    From: Spring show
  • Helena Stewart, Katelyn Krivan, Lauren Biar and Olivia Brown

    Helena Stewart, Katelyn Krivan, Lauren Biar and Olivia Brown

    From: For love of dance