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Peter Berry

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  • Peter Berry

    Peter Berry is one of 16 athletes selected to compete this month for 12 spots on Team USA’s wheelchair basketball team in the 2024 Paralympics. (Photo: UA Strategic Communications)

    From: Peter Berry
  • Aaron Berry, Simone Berry, Moira Morris, Peter Berry

    SUPPORT SYSTEM Pictured, after The University of Alabama wheelchair basketball team won the final championship game in March 2023, is (from left) Aaron Berry, Simone Berry, Moira Morris (Simone’s mom, who has been an incredible source of support for the children), and Peter Berry.

    From: Peter Berry
  • Peter Berry

    STRENGTH Training involves more than 20 hours of practice each week, said Peter. Wheelchair basketball requires upper body strength, so it can be “really intense,” he said. (Photo: Sports Illustrated)

    From: Peter Berry
  • Willa Berry, Noah Berry, Misha Berry, Peter Berry, Aaron Berry

    Gathered before the 2020 Houston Sports Awards, where Peter received the Insperity Inspiration Award, are (top row, from left) Willa Berry, Noah Berry, and Misha Berry; (bottom row, from left) Peter Berry and Aaron Berry.  

    From: Peter Berry
  • Peter Berry

    Peter is one of three college students who made the cut to compete for the 12 spots on Team USA in the 2024 Paralympics. (Photo: National Wheelchair Basketball Association)

    From: Peter Berry
  • Peter Berry

    FOCUS AND DETERMINATION In games, at practice, and in life, Peter Berry gives his all. He and his brother, Aaron Berry, both received full scholarships to The University of Alabama to play for their top-ranked wheelchair basketball program. Pictured is Peter playing at a University of Alabama game. (Photo: Kyla Michelitch, Alabama Adapted Athletics)

    From: Peter Berry
  • Peter Berry

    Peter Berry – University of Alabama (Senior Photo: Tanya Radoff Photography)

    From: Class of 2020
  • Fifth grade classmates

    Josh Erani (front left) is pictured here with his fifth grade classmates Alex Kuperman, Gabe Sondock, Peter Berry and Harvey Gibbs. (Photo courtesy of Peter Berry)

    From: Students Honor the Legacy of Classmate Joshua Erani
  • Peter Berry, Jose Altuve

    Pictured are friends and family of Peter Berry, plus Houston Astros player Jose Altuve, whose walk-off home run won the Moment of the Year Award. (Photo: Pooja Salhotra)

    From: Honoring Houston athletes
  • Emery signing day

    Cousins Peter Berry (seated on left) and Noah Berry (seated, center) celebrate their commitments to play sports at the collegiate level. Peter is headed to the University of Alabama to play basketball, and Noah will play tennis at California Polytechnic State University. See more on Peter and Noah's accomplishments here and read about the Houston Sports Awards, where Peter received the city's first Inspiration Award. 

    From: National Signing Day 2020
  • Peter Berry

    Peter Berry received the first Inspiration Award. (Photo: Pooja Salhotra)

    From: Houston Sports Awards: Celebrating A Golden Era of Houston Sports
  • Peter Berry, Jose Altuve,

    Pictured here are friends and family of Peter Berry, winner of the Inspiration Award, plus Houston Astros player Jose Altuve, whose walk-off home run won the Moment of the Year Award. (Photo: Pooja Salhotra) 

    From: Houston Sports Awards: Celebrating A Golden Era of Houston Sports
  • Noah Berry, Peter Berry

    Cousins Noah Berry and Peter Berry are as close as brothers.

    From: The Next Leap: Berry Boys Keep Reaching New Heights
  • Peter Berry, Noah Berry,

    Peter Berry and Noah Berry, both seniors at The Emery/Weiner School, committed last week to play Division 1 wheelchair basketball at the University of Alabama and tennis at California Polytechnic State University, respectively.

    From: The Next Leap: Berry Boys Keep Reaching New Heights
  • Berry kids

    The Berry crew (Peter, Willa, Noah, Misha and Aaron) celebrate at The Emery/Weiner School as Peter and Noah commit to play Division 1 wheelchair basketball and tennis, respectively.

    From: The Next Leap: Berry Boys Keep Reaching New Heights
  • Peter Berry, Noah Berry,

    Peter Berry (on left) and Noah Berry (on right) put their college caps on and smile after they signed their letters of intent to play at D1 programs. 

    From: Cousins and Emery Seniors Commit to College Athletics
  • Peter Berry

    Peter Berry, a sophomore at The Emery/Weiner School, was named MVP of the championship game.

    From: Junior Hotwheels Win National Championship
  • Berry family

    THEIR VOICES WERE HEARD The Berry family – Noah, Peter, Matt, Willa, Simone, Aaron and Misha – worked together to help pass a law against distracted driving, which goes into effect in Texas on Sept. 1.​ (Photo:

    From: It Can Wait: Texting Ban in Texas
  • Noah Berry, Peter Berry, Matt Berry, Willa Berry, Simone Berry, Aaron Berry, Misha Berry

    STRONG TOGETHER The Berry family – Noah, Peter, Matt, Willa, Simone, Aaron and Misha – are making their voices heard to help pass a law against distracted driving.​ (Photo:

    From: Enough Lives
  • One Life is Enough

    The Berry children give OLIE (One Life is Enough) bracelets as reminders to people who pledge not to text and drive. (Photo:

    From: Enough Lives
  • TIRR Memorial Hermann Junior Hotwheels team

    TIRR Memorial Hermann Junior Hotwheels team

    From: Nothing but net
  • Aaron Berry, Willa Berry, Peter Berry

    Robin Berry took this photo of her frog-hunting children, (from left) Aaron, Willa and Peter, for a story on kids and nature that appeared in The Buzz Magazines July issue.

    From: Remembering Robin and Joshua Berry