Photo Contest

Nathan Lederman

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Photos appearing in

  • Buzz summer interns

    Buzz summer interns (from left) Kelly Thomas, Abby Cohan, Benjamin Cohen, Nathan Lederman, Ryan Chang, Julia Boyles and Eli Maierson enjoy their final few days left at The Buzz Magazines.

    From: 2018 Buzz Summer Interns
  • Lunch

    Buzz summer interns (from left) Ryan Chang, Eli Maierson, Abby Cohan, Nathan Lederman and Benjamin Cohen brainstorm together over lunch at Island Grill. 

    From: 2018 Buzz Summer Interns
  • Nathan Lederman

    Nathan Lederman, hard at work on Buzz articles. 

    From: 2018 Buzz Summer Interns
  • Jacob Rosenberg, Nathan Lederman

    Favor driver Jacob Rosenberg goes through a typical day of deliveries while Buzz summer intern Nathan Lederman rides along and observes the experience. (Photo: Nathan Lederman)

    From: Calling a Favor: Ride Along Experience
  • Nathan Lederman

    Nathan Lederman – Boston University (Senior photo: Ira Rozen)

    From: Class of 2018
  • Nathan Lederman, Abby Cohan

    (From left) Emery seniors Nathan Lederman and Abby Cohan enjoyed their visit to The FENCE. (Photo: Nathan Lederman) 

    From: Memorial Park Installs The FENCE
  • Abby Cohan, Nathan Lederman

    Abby Cohan and Nathan Lederman interned with The Buzz for the week and are looking forward to interning at The Buzz again over the summer. 


    From: Emery/Weiner Senior Internship Week
  • Nathan Lederman, Abby Cohan

    Buzz interns Nathan Lederman and Abby Cohan take a moment to enjoy the great weather and take a selfie. (Photo: Nathan Lederman)


    From: Easter Fun in Evelyn's Park
  • Nathan Lederman interviewed by CW39

    CW39’s Lakisha Lemons interviews Buzz intern Nathan Lederman, a senior at The Emery/Weiner School, in front of the Cloud Column. (Photo: Abby Cohan)

    From: Houston vs. Chicago: The War of the Beans
  • Nathan Lederman, Abby Cohan

    Buzz interns Nathan Lederman and Abby Cohan, both seniors at The Emery/Weiner School, pose in front of the Message in a Bottle Collection at Houston Museum of Natural Science.

    From: The Message in a Bottle Collection Comes to Houston