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Stuart Dow

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Photos appearing in

  • Max Roffwarg, Alex Mintz, Josh Blum, Jason Reimers, Dado Rodriguez, Angie Gubitz, Otis McAlhany, Stuart Dow

    SIGNING ON The Emery/Weiner School had three players sign their national letters of intent to play collegiate baseball. From left, seated: Max Roffwarg (Swarthmore), Alex Mintz (UTSA), and Josh Blum (USC). From left, standing: assistant athletic director Jason Reimers, head coach Dado Rodriguez, athletic director Angie Gubitz, assistant coach Otis McAlhany, and head of school Stuart Dow.

    From: SportzBuzz - March 2021
  • Participants in Opening Ceremonies

    Participants in Opening Ceremonies: (From left, top row) Stuart Dow, Kelly Dean, Josh Sheiman, Ryan Bronston, Zach Baker, Ben Tuchschneider, Kathy Elder, Jennifer Bauer-Conley; (from left, bottom row) Ilana Vines, Carly Tiras, Elise Shoss, Sofia Heyl. 

    From: Emery’s 2017 Opening Ceremonies
  • Stuart Dow

    Emery Head of School Stuart Dow at Opening Ceremonies. (Tavia Lee-Goldstein) 

    From: Emery Opening Ceremonies: Vision for 2016-17