Photo Contest

Sophia Kuperman

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Photos appearing in

  • Chloe Starr, Sophia Kuperman

    Junior Chloe Starr (left) and senior Sophia Kuperman (right) marched together on the streets in Washington. (Photo: Brooke Markowitz)

    From: Emery High School Students Embark on the March For Our Lives
  •  Sophia Kuperman, Lily Siegel, Nicole Goldin, Brooke Markowitz, Ilana Vines, Megan Samuels

    (From top left to bottom right) Sophia Kuperman, Lily Siegel, Nicole Goldin, Brooke Markowitz, Ilana Vines and Megan Samuels together in our nation’s capital. Not pictured: Debra Lederman, Alegra Germain, Hailey Newman, Sterling Rosenthal, Chloe Starr, Gabriella Danziger, Jennifer Blum, Arthur Levy, Julia Leibman, Zachary Engelhart, Ryan Bronston, Rachel Melman, Mia Cotta, Asher Siegel, Maya Zehavi, David Ilouz, Philip Rosenfeld. Madeline Canfield, Anna Paradise, Anna Rajagopal, Kayla Frank, Zoe Brown and Hope Desenberg. (Photo: Chloe Starr)

    From: Emery High School Students Embark on the March For Our Lives